Chapter 19: Seeds of Dissent

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                In the grand halls of the Canterlot Parliament, a quiet tension was brewing. While King Cosmos tightened his grip on the kingdom and prepared for more drastic measures, not every pony within the parliament was on his side. Hidden among the ranks were those who still believed in Obsidian Crest and his vision for a better Canterlot—a kingdom free from the tyranny of Cosmos' rule. They had remained quiet for too long, but now, with their leader imprisoned, the time for silence was over.

One such ally was Ivory Scroll, an influential member of parliament who had supported Obsidian Crest's cause from the shadows for years. She was known for her diplomatic nature and her sharp intellect, a pony who could navigate the political landscape with grace and subtlety. But beneath her composed exterior, she harbored a deep disdain for Cosmos' oppressive reign. The arrest of Obsidian Crest had been the final straw. She knew that if they didn't act soon, everything they had worked for would be lost.

Late one evening, Ivory convened a secret meeting with a small group of trusted parliament members—ponies who shared her loyalties to Obsidian Crest. The meeting took place in a secluded chamber, far from the prying eyes of Cosmos' spies. The group consisted of seven key figures, each with their own reasons for opposing the king's rule, but all united in their desire to see Obsidian freed.

As they gathered around the dimly lit table, Ivory spoke first, her voice low but firm. "We all know why we're here. Obsidian Crest is in the king's clutches, and if we don't act soon, he will be silenced for good."

"We can't let that happen," muttered Steadfast Shield, a former military officer turned politician. His loyalty to Obsidian had been cemented years ago, when he saw firsthand the injustices that Cosmos inflicted on Canterlot's soldiers. "But how do we break him out? He's being held in one of the most secure locations in the kingdom, surrounded by guards loyal to Cosmos."

"We'll need to be careful," Ivory agreed. "But it's not impossible. We've pulled off harder tasks before, and we have ponies on the inside—guards sympathetic to our cause. The real challenge is timing. Cosmos will expect a rescue attempt. We have to strike when he least expects it."

Another voice, belonging to Silver Tongue, a smooth-talking diplomat who had always worked in the shadows, cut through the conversation. "If we're going to do this, we need more than just brute force. We need a distraction, something to divert Cosmos' attention. And not just his—Galaxia, too. They both have eyes everywhere."

Ivory nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. But we also need to consider Obsidian's condition. The last reports we had suggested he's injured, and with his magic contained, we'll have to rely on stealth to get him out of there."

A tense silence settled over the group as they pondered their options. The plan they were formulating was risky—perhaps the riskiest endeavor any of them had ever attempted. But there was no alternative. Without Obsidian Crest to lead the resistance, they feared that Canterlot would fall further into chaos under Cosmos' rule.

Ivory broke the silence with a determined look. "Here's what I propose. We create a diversion in the capital—a staged protest, something that will require Cosmos' immediate attention. Meanwhile, we send a small, specialized team to the prison island. We'll need speed, precision, and an inside pony who knows the layout of the place."

"Do we have anyone in mind?" asked Silver Tongue, raising an eyebrow.

"We do," Ivory replied, her voice lowering conspiratorially. "There's a guard stationed there—Iron Hoof. He's been a quiet supporter of Obsidian for years. He's loyal and discreet. He'll know how to navigate the prison without drawing suspicion."

Steadfast Shield leaned forward, a grim smile crossing his face. "Sounds like a solid plan. But we'll need to be quick. Cosmos isn't a fool—he'll expect something like this sooner or later."

The others nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. Each of them knew what was at stake. If they failed, it wouldn't just be the end of Obsidian Crest—it would be the end of their entire movement.

"Let's not forget the danger," Ivory warned, her tone grave. "Cosmos is becoming increasingly paranoid. If he catches wind of our plan, we'll all be thrown into the same cage as Obsidian. We must be careful—every step must be calculated."

"We're with you, Ivory," Silver Tongue said, his voice resolute. "For Obsidian, and for Canterlot."

The meeting ended with a unanimous decision: the escape plan would go into motion within the week. Each member of the group had a role to play—Ivory would coordinate with their operatives in the capital to stage the protest, Steadfast would handle the military logistics, and Silver Tongue would oversee the delicate negotiations with their sympathizers within the guard.

As the group dispersed into the night, Ivory stayed behind for a moment, staring out of the narrow window of the chamber. The moonlight reflected off the distant spires of Canterlot Castle, where Cosmos and Galaxia held their court. The kingdom, once a beacon of peace and prosperity, was now teetering on the edge of collapse.

Ivory's heart pounded with the weight of the decisions they had made. She knew that the coming days would be crucial. If they succeeded, Obsidian Crest would be freed, and the resistance could once again gain momentum. But if they failed...

She shook the thought from her mind. Failure wasn't an option. Not anymore.

Princess Celestia: The Fall of Canterlot (MLP AU)Where stories live. Discover now