Chapter 73: A New Focus

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                      The grand halls of the royal palace, once filled with tension and whispered secrets, had now returned to a sense of normalcy—or at least, that was the illusion the royal family sought to project. The scandal surrounding Galaxia's affair with the spy, Elysian, and the subsequent fallout had been buried under layers of political maneuvering and private discussions. As far as the public was concerned, nothing was amiss. The royal family had decided it was time to move on and put the past behind them, no matter how deeply the events had cut.

King Cosmos sat at the head of the council table, his face stoic, as he addressed his cabinet. Prime Minister Varen sat beside him, as always, calm and collected. Around the table, advisors and ministers murmured in agreement as Cosmos laid out the next phase of his reign.

"We must shift our focus entirely," Cosmos began, his voice firm and authoritative. "The matters of the past are behind us now. We will not speak of them again. Canterlot is at a critical juncture, and it is our duty to steer this kingdom toward prosperity and strength."

The ministers nodded, eager to follow the king's lead. The scandal had threatened to shake the very foundations of the royal family, but Cosmos had proven, once again, his resilience. Now, more than ever, he seemed determined to cement his legacy, not as a ruler distracted by personal matters, but as a leader who had brought his kingdom through trials and emerged stronger.

"Our economic sector needs bolstering," Cosmos continued, looking to Varen for confirmation. "We must ensure that trade routes remain open and secure, and that new partnerships are forged with our neighboring kingdoms. Our coffers must be filled, and our people must feel the benefits of a thriving economy."

Varen nodded. "Indeed, Your Majesty. I've already spoken with the trade minister. We are exploring new opportunities to enhance our maritime and overland trade routes. Our weapons development has also yielded promising results, which will serve to protect our borders and further enhance our strategic position."

The king gave a brief, approving nod before turning his attention to the military minister. "And our defenses? How soon until the new weapons are ready to be deployed?"

The military minister, a seasoned general with a scar across his muzzle, cleared his throat before speaking. "Your Majesty, the new spears and cannons are in their final stages of production. We've tested them extensively, and they will be ready for deployment within the next moon cycle. Our forces will be well-prepared for any future threats."

Cosmos leaned back in his chair, his mind momentarily at ease. It was true—the kingdom was moving forward. The scandals, the betrayals, they were all behind them now. With every new political maneuver, with every economic strategy, the kingdom was being fortified, its defenses strengthened, its wealth increasing.

But even as the council continued its discussions, Cosmos could feel a lingering weight in the air. It wasn't just the political and economic challenges that occupied his mind—it was the deeper fractures that had formed within his own family. He had chosen to forget, yes, but forgetting was not the same as healing.

As the meeting continued, Galaxia entered the council chamber quietly, her gaze cast downward. She had resumed her duties as queen, though she had been noticeably more subdued since the scandal. She had agreed to put the affair behind her, to move on and focus on her role as ruler, wife, and mother. But there was a distance between her and Cosmos now, one that neither of them could ignore.

Cosmos met her eyes for a brief moment before returning his attention to the council. "We also need to ensure that the interior of the kingdom remains stable. The people must feel secure, and we must continue to invest in infrastructure, roads, and public works. The capital must shine as a beacon of progress."

Prime Minister Varen nodded again, offering his input on the matter. "We will begin allocating resources to key regions, starting with the areas most in need. Additionally, we should consider hosting a public festival to celebrate our recent victories and advancements. It will remind the citizens that the kingdom is flourishing under your rule, Your Majesty."

"A festival," Cosmos repeated, his tone thoughtful. "Yes, that could work. It will give the people something to celebrate, something to unify them."

Galaxia shifted in her seat, listening intently but offering no input. She had agreed to forget the past, just as Cosmos had requested, but the weight of her guilt lingered like a shadow over her. Moving on was easier said than done.

Celestia and Luna, too, had agreed to let the matter rest. Their mother had made a grave mistake, but they knew the importance of unity within the family. The future of the kingdom depended on their ability to present a strong, united front, no matter what had happened in private. For Celestia, it was a reminder of the responsibilities that came with her position as the future ruler, a lesson that personal feelings must never interfere with the good of the kingdom. Luna, though quieter about the matter, supported her sister and father in their efforts to maintain stability.

As the council meeting came to a close, Cosmos dismissed the ministers and stood, turning to Varen. "We must begin preparations for the festival immediately. I want everything to go perfectly."

"It will be done, Your Majesty," Varen replied with a confident nod. "I will oversee the arrangements personally."

As the ministers filed out, leaving Cosmos, Galaxia, and Varen alone in the room, there was a brief silence. Cosmos turned to his queen, his expression softening slightly, though there was still a distance between them.

"Galaxia," he said quietly, "we've agreed to move on. We must focus on the kingdom now. Our personal matters will remain just that—personal."

Galaxia nodded, though her heart was heavy. "Of course, Cosmos. For the sake of the kingdom."

With a final nod, Cosmos turned and left the chamber, leaving Galaxia and Varen behind. As the doors closed behind him, the queen exchanged a glance with Varen, who gave her a small, understanding smile.

"The past is behind us, Your Majesty," Varen said softly. "The kingdom moves forward, and so must we."

Galaxia nodded, though she knew that some wounds would take far longer to heal than others. But for now, there was only one path forward—through unity, strength, and the careful management of the kingdom's future.

And so, with their focus now turned entirely to matters of state, the royal family set aside their personal struggles, determined to guide Canterlot through this new era of political and economic progress.

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