Part 8: TENSION.

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Petey: Will you be fine on your own?
Annette: We are always on our own so why are you concerned now?
Petey: I was asking Jordan sweetheart, but since you are also here I suppose that you all will be okay, you will keep him company right?
Jordan: I don't need babysitters, especially daddy's girls. I will babysit them instead you guys can leave.
Annette: You wouldn't dare.
Petey nods making his way towards the hallway.
Petey: Don't kill each other while I'm away okay?
Annette: I can't promise you anything Father, I repulse this boy that you brought here and I could only wish to kill him with my own bare hands.
Jordan rolls his eyes walking away.
Jordan: Try getting near me first.
Annette: It won't be so hard you know.
Jordan: I'll snap your neck like twigs without wasting my energy, so don't test me little girl.
Annette glares at him.
Petey: Guys cut it out, come on get along just for tonight. I will ask Georgia to look after you for the night... And besides where is Luna?
Annette: She is taking a bath.
Petey: Great!, You two should do the same and order some takeaways to watch movies or something okay?... Just get along please.
Jordan: No thank you, I would rather go to sleep than spend time with her after all I am tired.
Petey: Fine do what suits you just don't strangle each other while I'm away.
Annette: I can't make any promises.
Petey sighs out loud finally leaving and he closes the door behind him leaving the two glaring at each other.

Annette: You are here for my father's money aren't you?
Jordan laughs out loud and shakes his head making his way to Petey's study.
Jordan: Yeah I am so what?
He unlocks the study's door but Annette blocks his way.
Annette: You can't go in there, Dad laid some strict rules that his study and his bedroom are off limits to anyone other than him or uncle Dylan and the maids.
Jordan: Those rules don't apply to me girly... now please get out of my way.
He pushes her aside as he proceeds inside the study and walks to settle on Petey's chair side smiling.
Jordan: A chair fit for a King, so comfortable.
Annette: Dad will kill you, and oh I can't wait to see that happen.
Jordan: Petey won't do that, I am so precious to him and why do you think I am being spoiled like this?... And unlike you I help him generate some money for his businesses so why do you think he favors me so much just when I am his skivvy?
Annette: You got that right, you are only his skivvy and you are not here to stay.
Jordan: Even so, that won't change the fact that he regards me as his own son and would do anything for me. After all why wouldn't he find me precious when all that I do is to make him happy and helping him make some money instead of demanding it for shopping and trips like you do?

He smirks cutting one of Petey's cigars to smoke and pours himself one of Petey's finest Tennessee whiskey and then looks up at Annette feeling in charge.
Jordan: It suits me well doesn't it?

Annette snarls up at him fuming as hell, not because he is smoking her father's rare cigars, not because he is drinking his Tennessee whiskey with ice just like her father likes it. But it is because this damn arrogant boy is starting to resemble her father as well, he is different from when he first woke up on his death bed, now he is behaving like her Dad, he is more annoying and worst of all he is her father's favourite just when he is only a stranger to him.
Her father is going all out for a stranger, he is teaching him things that he was supposed to teach her and that upsets her.
And now this skivvy boy is disrespecting her because he knows that her father would still take his side no matter what the reason.... Her life is slowly tearing apart right in front of her eyes.

Jordan: You need to relax, I am not here for you little girl and I am not planning to stay any longer as well... If you are worried about me stealing your father away from you then you have it all wrong and you need to relax. Not everything revolves around you and nor does your father.
I think it's safe to say that I don't really like the old man.
Annette: What is that you do for my father huh?
Jordan: It doesn't concern you, so you don't need to know.
Annette (huffs): Arg I just can't wait for the day that you leave this house.
Jordan: Wait no longer because the day is only tomorrow.
Annette smirks standing up straight and folds her arms.
Annette: Ow thank God it is.
"Guys there you are, I have been looking for you all over the house."
Luna walks inside and looks around.
Luna: Wow so this is how his study looks like. Won't you be in trouble if he finds out that you were in his study?
Annette: Oh well he will only have one person to kill, this loser over here.
Jordan: Yeah whatever... Hey Luna how about we go do something fun huh?, Let's leave your lame sister and have fun together how about that?
Luna: I would love that, let's do it!
He gulps up the whole whiskey in his glass and then puts out the cigar.
Jordan: Let's go..

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