Chapter 8

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We painted the room insanely. We splashed random colors in random places, making a collage of colors. When we were done the smell of paint was so terrible we could barely breathe. We knocked on the door continuously until Jack opened it.

He plugged his nose as soon as the room started to air out. "We needed the room to air out." I said trying to open the door further to get to fresh air. When it didn't budge I got sassy "Ummm, If you're planning on killing us, do it with a gun not with Paint fumes. We won't be killed we will just become high."

He opened the door slightly more and said "There's a lock. It will only open this far." He tried pushing it even more but it wouldn't budge.

"Well, Where's the KEY!" Ash started to hyperventilate as soon as she said it.

"Pest has it."

"Well, can you go get him...." I stated like he was stupid.... p.s. He is.

"Ok." He closed the door and we were left in the fumes. I figured Water vapor might help so I turned on the Shower to super hot and let the vapor fill the air.

"So, shall we organize the closet?" We decided not to paint that.

"Sure." We didn't split it up half and half. We just organized the whole thing, sharing everything. When we were done we went to sleep. We woke up to the smell of Paint. We knocked on the door and there was Pest.

" 'Bout time we were waiting for you to break us out of this Paint fume." I said smiling. I went to Open The door and it was still blocked. "What the... Why is it still locked?"

"Because, You made Seth mad. Now you can only come out after you talk to him. Sorry." He closed the door and walked away.Ugh That guy, whoever he is..... He is not going to like me.

"Coming in. I was just wondering if..." 'Seth's' words wondered off as he looked around. "Um, I was wondering if you ladie's wanted some breakfast?" He said still looking at our amazing work.

I stayed silent, I picked up a book out of the many pile's and started to read. Ugh terrible choice, Dear John. Unfortunately, Ash' Stomache got a hold of her and she spoke up. "Of course we would." She grabbed my arm and made me stand.

"Tsk-tsk... Ash I presume?" He said smiling stretching his hand out to shake her hand.

"Why yes, I am." She Smiled and stretched her arm and took his hand.

"I'm very glad you know how to listen and respond, but I was talking to Tamara..."

"Umm, not to be rude, but she is not going to talk to you until she trusts you... or she want's to talk to you." She looked towards the ground. I looked up from the book, Looked at Ash then looked at 'Seth' , made eye contact, and kept right on reading.

"Oh, then would you, Ash, like to go downstair's and eat?" With that my eye's shot up and met hers. Her eye's were full of fear and trust, while mine were filled with begging. I was pleading her with my eye's not to leave me alone. Not to go anywhere alone.

"Tamara, you speak to this insane boy. So that I can eat!" she shouted at me.

"FINE! Hello, you are?" I said rudely.

"Seth, and you are Tam. Now would you ladies like to eat breakfast?" He asked with a British accent I hadn't noticed before.

"Yes, we would. Come on Tam." Ash shouted walking towards the door. She started to open it when she remembered the lock. "Key?" She asked 'Seth'. He handed her a silver heart key and she opened the door and walked out.

"Wait, my key..." she ignored him and continued walking down the hall towards where I think she assumed was the Kitchen.

"No use, she's got food on her mind. You will only get her attention after she has found the food. I could probably get her attention, but I don't want to."

"So nice...."

"I know." I ran to catch up with Ash and started turning her in the correct way to the kitchen. If he expected to be nice he had another thing coming.

"My sister ,the Boss, Will be eating with us." I stopped in my tracks forcing Ash to stop also.

"The Boss is A girl?!?" I asked angrily.

" Yes..." He then walked past us into the kitchen but didn't leave us in the hall for two seconds before he came back out and ushered us into a Dining room that I didn't recognize. It was smaller, much smaller. Ash handed him a key and sat at on of the two spots on one side of the four sided table. I sat next to her. 'Seth' sat across from Ash leaving an open spot across from me.

A Blonde female, about our age, walked in and took the spot next to seth. SHe was carrying a large purse. She had yellow tights, a Bright Yellow tutu, and a sparkly, sequened green shirt on. She looked insane. She also had those sideways bar glasses on. She had a strange necklace on, and butterfly clips in her hair. She smacked Seth on the back of the head when he started eating.

"You can wait until introductions are made." She said clearly to him.

"Fine, fine. Tam, Ash. This is Amber, and Amber, This is Tam. And this is Ash." He pointed at each of us when he said our name.

"Hey Tam, Ash. I'm the one in charge so if you have any problems you can get Seth to get me."

"Whatever." I said picking at the eggs on my plate. Amber reached into her big purse and pulled a bag of gummy bears out. She opened the bag and.... started throwing them at my head "HEY, STOP THAT... WHAT... ARE... YOU...DOING?!?" I yelled at her

"DON'T WHATEVER ME!" She yelled, still throwing the gummy bears. When the bag ran out she set it on the ground and started eating.

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