Chapter 19

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The next morning George woke me with a frown. I wasn’t too happy with him so I turned away. “No, Gaga, wake up. Your grandfather would like to have breakfast with you.” My stomache dropped.. I couldn’t breathe, how do you do that again? I can’t seem to remember. My body seemed to take over and I stood up.  I grabbed some clothes and walked into my bathroom. I got ready and ten minutes later I walked back in, George was laying on my bed.

“You look nice,” He stated standing up. I stared at my bed wondering when it exactly had gone from “my bed” to my bed…. George grabbed my hand and we started walking. “He actually wants to talk to us both..” He whispered in my ear.

“Why though?” I finally woke up and stared at him while walking down an unfamiliar hallway.

“I don’t know, now sh, we’re here.” He knocked once dropped my hand and stood staring at the door from behind me. The door opened by a tired looking Pest and he ushered us in. I stood awkwardly, my ‘grandfather sat at the table for four and gestured for us to join him. I took the seat across from him, Pest on my right and George on my left.

“Good morning, I assume you all slept well,” no one tried to answer so he continued “I hear the plan is for my darling to be ‘dating’ George here?”

George nodded and took a drink of water, he didn’t seem to be nervous. Pest however looked exhausted, “Well, that’s wonderful! I love George here, he’s perfect for you. Just your type,” then he was silent and began to eat.

“Eat, don’t let this food go to waste.” We all ate quietly until I couldn’t handle it.

“Why did you have me brought here?” I asked across the table. Pest choked on his water and George gave me a warning look but I just stared at the old man, determined to know.

“Oh, my dear I’ve been waiting for that question. You see, your mother was a rebel and decided to run away with a man I had hired to keep her safe and home.. It was despicable. Well anywho, before I died I wanted another chance and so I hired my boys to find a girl like my beautiful daughter, and it was of a huge coincidence that I got the best surprise of my life. I get to raise my granddaughter.” Tears of happiness filled his eyes and my heart felt for him. “So, I won’t be letting you get away, not like your mother did, I was much too lenient with her. I won’t make that mistake twice,” my heart fell and I saw the devil and craziness inside this man. I was sick and done. I had nothing left to say.

“Sir, we need to be off to school if you don’t mind.” George piped up. The old man nodded and George stood along with me. “Sir, I was wondering if he could come help with security, I’m sure it’ll be fine but just in case.”  He nodded again and Pest followed us out. When Pest shut the door, he began thanking George. “Don’t worry bro, sleep it off in the car today.” Pest nodded and followed us silently save a few quiet yawns.

We went through school with minimum issues. When it was time to go back ‘home’ George held my had walking to the car when suddenly, guy from yesterday walked up to us. “Hey, I’m Arden,” and stuck his hand out to me. George chuckled and opened my door for me. I shook his hand then pushed my hair behind my ear.

“Um, Tracy.” I said quietly.

“And I am George. Introductions over? Alright baby, let’s get going.” Then he kissed me full on the lips, but this time it wasn’t fast it lasted a few seconds and then he pulled away and helped me into my seat. I sat there staring out the windshield. “Later bro,” I heard him say and then we were pulling away.

“What was that?” I asked, suddenly very angry.

“Oh, you’ve never done that before? Well, us big kids call it a kiss.” He smirked at me shifting into fourth gear.

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