Chapter 21

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I spent the night in the room alone, praying for daylight to hurry up. Every so often I'd pound on the door and insist on ice cream or wienerschnitzel to give ole Uncle Rod a scare. He's really good at ignoring me and I hate it.

"If you don't let me out of here soon I'm gonna take this screw from the bed and slice my wrist so you have to talk to me!" Rod opened the door and came in looking very irritated.

"It's four o clock in the morning. I'm pretty sure newborns sleep better than you. If you were this bad as a baby, I'm shocked your mom didn't drop you off at the fire station" and he smirked.

"For your information, I slept great as a child, it seems my sleeping patterns have been destroyed from being kept hostage for a month.  Wanna let me go and see if I sleep through the night then?" I smirked back and realized, he has the same face as my mother. His high cheek bones are different but other than that, his eyes are hers, his nose and stupid little smirk are the same ones I scowled at and giggled with growing up. Even his hair was the same color as hers. With a few more grey hairs it seems. "How can you do this? You could literally be my moms twin and you're sitting here holding your niece hostage for your psychotic father!"

"He is NOT my father" he growled at me. "I am here for one thing, to keep you safe. If that means locking you in a room and keeping you from stupid little boys while your mother worries a few towns over, I'll live with that. As long as I can make sure he doesn't hurt you too. Now go the f*** to sleep. Or I'll force feed you melatonin" and he slammed the door shut behind him successfully leaving me speechless.

I decided to listen and fall asleep. After all it's only two hours and then I can talk to Pest about how I should handle 'Uncle' Rod.

I woke up two hours later to Rod flipping on the light and slamming the door. Jeez what crawled up his butt. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in my cute Abercrombie shirt and eagle jeans and a black leather jacket with matching combat boots. I was ready to flirt with Ander and piss off George.

Pest drives so slow, I don't know how he outran those cops.. that seems like a million years ago. Maybe it was? I haven't been able to turn on my phone in a few days and I'm sure there's got to be some news about Ash. Not that I care... she abandoned me and I hope she makes it home and forgets I ever existed. It'll be better that way for everyone.

I guess I was being too quiet cause Pest shut off the music and stares at me "What is going on with you"

Startled out of my trance I stare at him confused "Huh?"

"What is your beef Smalls. Or should I say Ga-ga. Pretty fitting nickname by the way. Why the hell are you being so quiet? Did something happen?" He pulled the car over so we could have a focused discussion.

"I..." where do I even start? What even happened. I'm so confused, it went from zero to one hundred to negative ten stone cold silence so fast. I told pest everything that happened including my rude awakening this morning.

"Yeah... I probably should have warned you about that. Do you know what bipolar disease is?" I shake my head "Well, it's where you have extreme highs and lows and can't control your own emotional roller coaster. That's of course a super simplified explanation and there's other ways it can show but for Rod, that's the kind of bipolar he displays. And he will not take medication and instead just drinks. Usually he's ok but if he has hard liquor I'd suggest being very quiet and small. Do Not set him off."

My jaw hits the floor... I did not see that coming. I wonder if it's genetic. "How should I act around him?" He shrugs and says "you could walk on egg shells and hope he doesn't snap or you can do whatever the heck you want and hope he doesn't get pissed."

"No about George and Ander...." but even as I talked about them, I thought of the stupid family I was born into, correction kidnapped into 🥰😎

I was... Kidnapped? Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now