The Real Chapter 19

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I woke up in my bed alone, had I dreamed last night? I went to go get ready and George walked in. I paused grabbing a shirt out of the drawer and stared at him. If it was a dream I don’t want to say anything, if it wasn’t I don’t know how to be a girlfriend to the guy who kidnapped me.

He smiled down at me “Good morning beautiful,” then he gave me a big bear hug.

“Can’t…. Breathe,” I gasped. He dropped me to the floor and I decided when my feet hit the floor I didn’t feel like standing so when he let me go, I collapsed into crisscross apple sauce. The look on his face was of concern and worry, it was priceless. He dropped to his knees and asked if I was ok. I nodded my head “Yeah, just didn’t feel like standing.”

“Do you do that often?”

“Do what?”

“Scare people to death by doing random acts of laziness that look like your hurt.”

I thought hard for a moment and then said “Yes.” He shook his head and left the room chuckling to himself.

I got ready for the day but got distracted at my desk. Out my window was an amazing view… I wish I could show Ash, she would love it. I grabbed a notebook and started to write a story,  it took place in the mountains. There was a fox and a hound, but instead of forcing friendship I forced hatred because of their differences. It was despicable and I hated it, when George walked in for us to leave I was standing in front of the trash can, burning it.

“You ok Gaga?” He said pouring water on the fire. I stood staring a little longer and when I looked up at him a look crossed his face that I couldn’t explain but then it was gone. I nodded my head, grabbed my bag and trudged out of the room. “Do you love me?” He asked when I opened the door, I turned around slowly, completely confused.

“Um, yea.. Kinda,” I blushed as he took a step closer.

“Good, cause I kinda love you too,” He leaned down and grabbed my book bag for me, grabbed my hand and we trudged to the car. What does that even mean?

The car ride was comfortably silent and George seemed to be in a good mood. Pest sat in the back seat, I wonder if he knows… “Pest?” I whisper towards the back seat, George shoots me a side glance but I ignore him.

“Yes,” He whispered leaning close.

“Have you ever been in love?”

He looked very dubious while he thought, then finally “Nope, been in like though.. It was, it was fun,” then shoving me “Why, you in love with me?”

“Naw, George,” then we all laughed while George and I exchanged a look.

“Haha, don’t joke too loud about that, his ego might flame up. And with his reputation,” Pest playfully shoved George but I gave him a look. His reputation?

“Haha, what? Is he a total player or something,” I smiled at Pest but gave George a look that said we needed to talk.

“Naw, he’s a polite gentleman until he gets bored, ain’t that right George,” Pest was laughing but the rest of us fell silent.

“Ha, well.. Good thing I’m not in love with him then,” I spent the rest of the car ride staring out the window. When the car stopped I got out and started walking, they would follow.. They always do.

“Hey, let’s go talk somewhere,” George said grabbing my wrist. I yanked my wrist free and spun around.

“Do I look like I have a choice? No, it’s whatever you guys say, want, ugh. You’re pathetic! I’m just here because you’re bored? That’s not how it works,” Then I stormed off. A hand grabbed my shoulder after a moment and I turned around to hit George but it wasn’t him.

“Hey, you ok?” Arden had stopped me. How do you breathe again?

“Ugh, um oh. Yeah, I’m fine..” He looked me in the eye for a moment then let his arm drop to his side.

“I saw you fighting with your boyfriend.. Controlling type, isn’t he?”

I went to answer but then George had him up against the wall “Not controlling, more like. I hate jerks who try to stir up things that are none of their business!”

“Whoa, calm down. I was just trying to help Your girlfriend because You upset her!” then Arden ppushed George back and a pushing fight started. So I went to step in the middle.. My bad, that’s when George threw his first punch, and I walked right into it.

BLACK. Are my eyes open? I went to open them and they slid open easily, I was sitting, no lying on the ground with George, Pest, and Arden above me. “Heyyy, you know. You could give me some room to breathe.”

I started to sit up, “Are you ok? Did I hurt you? Lie back down,” George started to push me down but that hurt my head so I slapped his hand.

“I’m fine, buzz off. Arden, Pest help me up please.” They each grabbed a hand and helped me up. “I think, I wanna go for a walk,” they didn’t let go of my hands so I let out a sigh “Let go of me, I’m not two.”

“Your fine? After that punch? I don’t think I’d get up and walk around after him punching me,” Pest said finally letting go, but still saying relatively close to me. Arden didn’t let go but I didn’t really care. I could feel George following me so I decided to be a jerk.

“He’s not even that tough,” then I grinned. I let go of Arden’s hand and started walking ahead of them, didn’t see the stairs though.

BLACK again, this time I didn’t feel like opening my eyes. “Gaga, open your eyes now,” When I didn’t listen I was scooped up, this I didn’t like but I couldn’t control my body, so I just laid there. “Gaga, please wake up, I’m so so sorry,”

“Mmmm,” I meant to say put me down, that was close right?

“What,” He stopped and put me down, I heard shuffling and mumbled talking.

“Darlin’ can you hear me?” A woman, something touching my arm, “Flex your arm if you can hear me.”

I tried to but I couldn’t so I mumbled again “Mmmeorge?”

“She can hear us, oh thank god. Sweety, your friend George brought you in after your fall. Your gonna be ok though, don’t worry. But you have to wake up,” I tried to open my eyes and this time I succeeded, George and Arden and a nurse lady were there, staring at me.

“Mmm, I’m tired,” I went to close my eyes again but they all stopped me by shouting “Ok, ok stop shouting,” I whispered gripping my head and curling into a fetal position.

“We need to get her to the hospital if she has a concussion,” the nurse said.

“I’ll take her,” George said going to pick me up. To my surprise, she let him and I was too tired to argue¸I tried to drift off but George started up again “I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean.. I mean it’s just, Daarling don’t sleep your hurt,” We got to the car Pest following behind and the whole care ride, Pest forced me awake.

“Hospital?” I asked Pest, sentences seemed to long. I just wanted to sleep.

“Close enough,” he responded looking at me closely.

We made it to the house and George carried me in. After all the boring doodads they forced me through, I was finally allowed to sleep. I was asleep as soon as my head landed gently on the pillow.

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