Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to XxBreathingxLifexX and Crazydannie22

     Wow, no wonder I felt weird. I must have heard something about someone being kidnapped or something. Well now I can calm down. I put down my hair and let the rain soak into my hair and clothes. I love the feeling of rain. It washes away all of my fear and worries, it calms me.

      I started singing Im A Barbie Girl, the old version with lots of words just to keep strangers away from the wierdo and I felt the need to sing. "HI BARBIE. HI KEN. WANNA GO FOR A RIDE. SURE. JUMP IN. IM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BRBIE WORLD LIFE IS PLASTIC, IT'S FANTASTIC. YOU CAN BRUSH MYHAIR UNDRESS ME ANYWHERE. IMAGINATION, LIFE IS YOU CREATION. LET'S GO BARBIE, COME ON BARBIE. OOH WHOA OOH. OOH WHOA OOH!" And on and on and when I stopped my hair was soaked as well as my shirt,It's  Black by the way.

        I startedwalking silenty when I heard a loud cough. Normally I wouldn't pay attention to such things, but Since it was raining and I could barely hear anything I payed attention. I looked around and saw somone across the street. For some reason I felt uneased. Suddenly they looked towards me, towards the street sign and kept walking. Wierdo Alert!

         I kept walking and avoided him as much as possible but he kept looking at me and walking again. Finally I stopped at a stop sign while a car crept slowly by. The man/boy crossed the street toward me and my eyes went instictively to his face. I could only see so much with the rain and all but he was around my age, so I wasn' too worried but I still kept my distance.

         "Umm, sorry to bother you but can you tell me how to get to Piper Street?" He asked in a monotone voice "I'm kinda lost."

          "Umm I'm heading that way I guess I'll just walk you there...." I stated taking a step away from him. "How old are you?"

           " 17, the name's Jack. You?"  He asked walking in step with me.

           "I'll be 17 in 53 days and counting. Tam."

              "That's cool. Do you always's keep track." He asked laughing.

            "Sometimes randomely, and everyday under sixty days. It's good to stay little in some way's."

              "You are strange...." He stated looking off down the road.

             "Yeah, well I don't care what anybody think's about me. So if you have a problem with me, you can just get lost.... Oh wait you already did." I started laughing out loud at my corny joke.

                "Your cool." He stated laughing along with me.

                "Well duh, Captain obvious!"

               It was still raining so I stopped walking randomely and just stood there. "Do you like the rain?"

                  "Yes and no. It's cold but it's mysterious." Hmmm never thought of it that way.

                "Ah." I said staring down the street blankly, not moving.

                "Why aren't you walking?" He asked snapping his fingers in front of my face.

               I grabbed his wrist before he realized what I was doing and I had him on his back on the ground. I have this bubble thing and he invaded mine at the wrong time. He won't even want to see me if he touches my neck. "Oh my god , I'm so so sorry . I have this bubble issue and when I zone out it ecomes ten times worse. I am so so sorry. Oh my god are you ok?"  I said in a rush. 

                "It's fine. Instinct's are understandable. Anyone ever tell you your really strong?" He asked standing up and stretching his now soaking wet back.

               "I normally don't use it, so they all think I'm a wimp. Whic works for me I don't need anyone afraid of me." I said starting to walk down the street."

               "Strange..." He said slowing to a halt in the middle of the side walk in the middle of a puddle. I was about to ask what when a large squealing noise erupted the air. We both were silent for a moment before he spoke up. "I'm so sorry Tam." he whispered to me. and took a step away from me.

              The van that was earlier being chased by police cars came speeding down the treet and stopping a few feet from me. The rain on the ground made it slide to the side, like they do in the movie's. If I wasn't scared witless I would've thought that was so cool.

            A large figure stepped out, so I started backing away behind a bush before anyone saw me and Jack had his back turned. 'Where is the girl you told us about' I heard a deep voice shout over the rain.'She was over there' Jack replied back. I heard the van door open and close so I stayed in my place. The van dissapeard back at the top of the street, so I started to run Down the street.

            Hey look theres a big guy blocking my way... Oh wait that's not good. "Ummm. Excuse me could you move your biceps so that I can run away from you?" I asked nervously. He grabbed the walkie talkie on his side while I started to back up. He grabbed the back of my neck....

          I turned around and kicked his kneecaps repeatedly until he fell forcefully to the ground. I kicked him once for good measure and stated "Big mistake." And ran down the street. The van came up the street so  quickly made a left turn on Moth cirlce and kept running.

            The van drove ahead of me and stopped blocking me in my path. The big guy was coming the other direction and I was stuck. "I'm really sorry Tam." Jack said getting out of the van.

          I only had time to shout "Your a doody head!" before My head hit the concrete. 

I was... Kidnapped? Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now