Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to My mom!

They all just sat there and stared and Jack walked in. "Good morning." He said smiling and naking a cup of joe.... yuck, he drinks it black.

"Morning have never been, are not, and never will be good until they are at 2 in the afternoon." I took a swig of my Sugary and delicious coffee.

"I beg to differ. Why was Seth so angry?" who ever seth was I don't care so I just started to eat my pancakes again.

"Tam wouldn't even look at him. She didn't even say something, she sat there pretending she hadn't heard anything." Pest still had a grave look on his face however.

"YOU DID WHAT!?!" Jack yelled throwing his cup at the wall.

"Whoa calm down Hulk, your going Blue." I was holding in my laughter, he just looked soo angry!

"You ignored the boss' twin brother. You don't make him mad without making the boss mad." He was still really angry as he stormed out. Ugh this dream suck's!

"Someone need's to take some ibueprofen." I said laughing but no one else was so I got mad."What is your guys' problems? FIRST, YOUR MY KIDNAPPER'S I SHOULD NOT BE YELLING AND JOKING AROUND WITH YOU BUT YOUR ALL NICE TO ME, SECOND, YOU ALL SHOULD BE BOSSING ME AROUND AND SCARING ME TO DEATH BUT NO YOU BECOME MY COOLEST FRIENDS, AND THIRD, YOU CHANGE FROM LAUGH TO MAD TO LAUGH AGAIN.... your so annoying. I'm done, Pest can I go back to the stupid room?" I started to walk away when pest grabbed my arm.

"You want us to act like kidnapper's? Fine, we will." then he pushed me towards the door. I fell on my knee's and scrambled up right as he pushed me again. He kept doing that all the way down the hall until we got to the room. He pushed me through the door and yelled "Congradulation's, you got what you wanted." then shut and locked the door.

I just sat there... eh, he'll get over it. I looked down at my jean's, they had two huge holes in the knee's and my knee's were bleeding. Realization rushed over me and I started to tremble. This isn't a dream, I'm going to die here and I can't even fight them, and They will never get caught because it was a random kidnapping they didn't even know me.

I knew that I was freaking out and I needed to calm down but I couldn't.I crawled under the bed and just layed there, trembling from fear. The door and opened and someone walked in, then the door shut. I however was still trembling, hiding under my bed at the top corner.

"Is anyone here?" a feminine voice asked, sounding scared. I risked peaking out from under the bed.

"ASHLEY????"I shouted. My best friend was standing in the room!!!!!

"TAMARA!" she shouted back the slammed open and Pest was standing there. I grabbed Ashley and pushed her in the closet and held it shut so that he couldn't get in. "Tam, what's going on?" Ashley asked but I couldn't see her face it was too dark.

The door shut so I figured it was safe and stepped out coming face to face with Pest. "Are you ok?" He asked as I started to back away. "Tam, I'm sorry you just... ugh. It wasn't right and I'm so sorry." He took a step back and raised his hand's in defence. "Also, you and This girl are sharing a room so you are switching room's."

"Nice kidnapping choice retard. You kidnapped my best friend."

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm only the driver. Now get your stuff and I'll show you girl's to your room."I was still mad so I followed his instructions quickly and quietly. "Ok, follow me." He said walking out the door.He walked us down three different hallways befor stopping at a double-door. "This is the room. Oh, and like a million thing's came for you." He said laughing as my face turned red and Ash turned to stare at me.

"Well ton's of thing are going to be shipped over night for Ash now too." I started to laugh.

"I'll have Tony and Jack bring it all up. But, only if we can have a truce and you let me clean up the cut's on your knee's, deal?"

"Umm, you have the boy's bring it up, we can call a truce, and you can get the stuff and I'll clean up my cut's, deal?"

"Deal." With that he walked out, locking the door behind him.

"Tam?" Ash asked from behind me.

I turned around adn she was crying "Ash, shhh it's all right. Your fine, they won't hurt you. I pinkie promise." I held up pinkie waiting for her to comprehend what I was saying.

"WHAT! We've been kidnapped and you want to make a pinkie promise. Oh, they won't hurt us, where did those cut's on your knee's come from?" She was still crying but she was mad as a cat in a bathtub of ice water.

"Listen, These came from my loudmouth. They were treating me like I was one of their friends, not their kidnappy. So, I snapped and said to act like real kidnapper's and stop getting pushed around. So they pushed me on the ground. Merely pushed, not that bad. Ana has hurt me worse before." I smiled to reassure her but in all reality my knee's hurt super bad.

"You t-trust them?" She said, the tear's slowly coming to a halt.

"The person I honestly trust is Pest, the guy that was right there." She started to laugh.

"Is his name really Pest?"

"No, but I never really learned his name, I just started calling him Pest. Oh and Jack is the guy who kidnapped me, and Tony. I call him Toy. Kk?" She was smiling. Both the bed's were pushed to one corner so we turned on the computor and started shopping while the boy's brought in my $14,001 worth of clothes, furniture, and decoration's.

***********3 hour's, $26,018.59 , and one pancake break later**********

"Time to paint this room!"I shouted. By now it was about 12 p.m.

"No, Lunch-time.." Ash whined from behind me....

"Fine but only 'cause your paint and stuff hasn't gotten here and me tummy is a-growlin'." She smiled and we ran to the door and started pounding on it and screaming like there was a killer clown behind us. The door opened and some guy I didn't know was standing there. "Ummm, where's Tony and Jack?" I also whispered for Ash to step back.

"I'm the door watch so shut up , you stupid girl's." I swear he would've spit in our face if I hadn't of shut the door quickly.

"Ummm, I don't know him. So, we are gonna push all the furniture into the middle of the room so that we're prepared when your stuff get's here." once we finished that task we just talked and talked and talked.

"Knock-knock coming in."Pest entered pushing a cart of something. "Can you guy's keep a secret?" He whispered.We shook our head's anxiously. "Ok, good. Who want's a party?"

"Us, us, us!!!" We whisper shouted.

"Good." He uncovered the cart to show Pizza and soda heaven.We must have ate and drank and talked for a good 5 hours. When we were done it was 7 p.m. and Ash's things were here. The boy's brought it in piled it in the middle of the room and left.

We splattered paint in random places and the room looked like a dance club on crack. We organized everything and got to bed at about 5 a.m. We slept all day and night and woke the next morning at 10 a.m.

I was... Kidnapped? Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now