Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Riley Mckinney

       The door to 'my' room was opened quickly and loudly as pest and some giant came through it. The giant was scowling while pest had a smirk on his face. "Why hello Shorty, I jnust thought since you were hungry, you'd like to join us?" He said smiling innocently, which didn't fit him. I mean come on he's a kidnapper.

         "Oh why certainly, Pest." I smirked to myself right before someone grabbed my hair.

          "Listen here girly, if you ruin this for the boss, You'll be Dinner." He whispered threateningly.

           "Carnivores." I whispered quietly while hiding behid my hair as if it were a curtain.

         "Shut up, you are just a tool in the plan and you can and Will be replaced if need be.

         "Well, well. Tony, is that any way to speak to or guest?" A voice said from no where.

         "Sorry boss." 'Tony' stated like a little kid being caught kicking their cousin.

         " 'Bout time I get treated with respect." I stated in a very snobby manner. Tony's face went bright red, I'm pretty sure invisible steam was coming out of his ears. "Oh, and 'Tony'," I said using air quotes " I think I will name you Toy." i laughed out when his face became a tomato.

          A loud booming laughter filled the room, then a womans voice saying 'boss your arm is on the mega phone' and then the laughter stopped. "Ok, come on girl." shouted Toy. I just stood there. "Are you deaf, I said come on Girl!" He shouted in my face.

          "Oh, are you talking to me? Because I heard Girl when my name is Tam." I stated clmly sitting on the bed. Haha pushing his buttons would be fun.

         "Ok, come on Tam." he said slowlt through strained teeth. We walked down a hallway, took a left,then a right, then a right, and finally another left before stopping at a huge Foray. "Do not speak until speaken to, you might regret it if you don't." Pest whispered to me while Toy shot him a daggers. Pest knocked on the door lightly.

          "Come in." A deep voice bellowed. We stepped in the largest dining area I have ever seen. There was a large table that must have been 30-40 feet in length and 15 feet in width.

         "Wow, this is a load of bologna sandwiches. Who need's this much space. I'm pretty sure this thing is bigger than the white house." I yelled coldly.

      "Well I like my space, Please have a seat." Offered a man at the other end of the table.

     "Well,used space is one thing. Wasted space is another." I said sitting in the chair at the end of the table. The table cloth was Black while the silverware and seat cushions were pure white. "This is a terrible set up you have here." I said snidely.

       "Your angry so I won't take that to heart but you better learn to get used to it." He said answerring a phone call.

        "HEY HE KIDNAPPED ME! HELP ME!" I shouted as he spoke quietly into the phone. Once he turned toward me he acted like it was a joke.

       He laughed a hearty laugh and said calmly "Do you think I would answer the phone with someone who didn't know about you?" He finished with a smile on his face.

      "I am allergic to some stuff." I said as they brought in clams, shrimp, and some type of fish.

       "Such as?"

       "Clam's, shrimp's, and most seafood." I said looking down at my shoe's. I feel like i'm never going to get out of here but I will keep trying until I die I just need to strategize. e had them make me a bowl of cinamon oatmeal, which wasn't as good as my mom's but it was better than nothing. The I was to go back to my room which I was escorted to by a new meat head and Pest.

I was... Kidnapped? Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now