Volume 17

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My name is Muvere Cruz, a little more than a week ago I was a lifeless husk hanging from some sort of machinery which pumped sedatives into my system while also extracting cells and tissue for reasons I have yet to understand. And ever since I had awoken I have never been happier! I found an amazing person to spend my time with (in comparison to the memories of the white coats). Alice is amazing unlike anything I ever saw even during the time before I was sedated and contained. I don't remember a lot before the tower, just bits and pieces sometimes but I know that I wasn't always like that and there was a time before I'd known the white coats. Hopefully the memories from the representatives might freshen me up a bit. I had already gotten the British and French representatives but they didn't have a whole lot that was useful. Except of course the exact locations of their respective steel towers. The more I'm able to absorb the more I can understand, not just about the towers but just about being human. Though that doesn't mean I can learn everything from a person but it helps. No matter how many life times worth of electrical signals I absorb it could never acquit to experience those things first hand. It wouldn't be long till me and Alice could experience those things too. It'd be fun. My concentration was broken by the sudden lack of bodies on the floor. There should've been 47 but the only ones I could see at the moment were the French and British representatives. Where did the others go?

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