Interlude: Club, Sweet Club

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"Here it is, party people! Our home away from home! Pretty cool, right?"

As Oliver proudly presents the new location of their clubroom, all he received from his other C.L.U.B members were mixed reactions.

"Yeah, it's... something" the tallest member responded, unimpressed.

"Wait a second," another member wondered out loud. "I feel like I saw this shed from somewhere..."

Located a good distance away from the main campus, near the track and football field, was a shabby gym shed that had clearly seen better days. The aluminum materials that the shack was made from was thoroughly covered with rust, along with two large windows sitting at each side of the main door, both of them noticeably warped. In addition, overgrown weeds climbed at the lower levels, with little yellow flowers peeking out at the ends.

"Got it!" The student with the afro-puff snapped her fingers in realization. She turns to the taller member of the group. "Hey Eddie, remember that serial killer documentary we saw about a week ago? This looks JUST like that man's hideout!"

"Hm. Now that you mention it..." He recalled in agreement.

"Oh shut up, Nico!" Oliver snapped at the teasing girl. "It looks nice! Besides, it was the only place that the Student Council had no control over."

"I'm not surprised," she snickered. "They were probably about to condemn it."

"Don't worry, Oliver." The shortest member offered helpfully. "I like what we did with the place."

"THANK you, Seina."

"I also really like the look of it too! I think we could make it really spooky for Halloween!"

Oliver stared at her in disappointment before turning around, heading towards the shoddy shed.

"You know what? All of you can go to hell!" Oliver said brusquely, as he went to open the door. "Clearly, none of you have ever heard of the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover.' Mark my words, when you guys see what this place looks like on the INSIDE, all of you are going to be on your knees, worshiping my great-"

He stops mid-sentence as he attempts to twist the knob, being met with stubborn resistance.

"What's wrong?" Seina asked, while Oliver continued to wrestle with the door knob. Oliver reassures her.

"Nothing! Just... give me a second..."

"The door's stuck, isn't it?" Nico questioned knowingly.

"NO!" Oliver grunted out, exerting all of his physical force into opening the door. Seeing the door not budging an inch, Oliver gave up. "Fine, it's stuck."

"Move over, I got it." Eddie ushered Oliver out of the way, getting in position to bash the door open.

"Wait, Eddie." Oliver hastily warned. "Be care-"


In one swift movement, Eddie bashed the front door open with ease. However, one of the door hinges broke off during the break-in, making the door lean with a painful squeak.

"Damn." Nico said in slight surprise.

"Woah!" Seina exclaimed, more out of awe than shock.

"DUDE!" Oliver shouted, distressed by the door breaking.

"What?! I thought it was gonna be harder than that!" Eddie retorted defensively.

Gazing at the poor door, Oliver could only facepalm in lament. Nico peered over the blonde's shoulder, inspecting the inside of the clubroom.

"Wow," Nico said, voice dripping in irony.

"This room DOES look good."

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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