Chapter 24 (:

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You woke up from the light shining on your face. You went directly to your bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.

After doing your business, you didn’t go down yet. Instead you went to your balcony and relax for a minute.

You opened the door from your balcony and you sat on the bench.

You looked at the things around you and started to think about Greyson.

Yes, you want to forget him, but you can’t.

It’s really hard for you.

You saw a small pink box on the other side of the bench. There was also a note.


“Good Morning, [YN]! This is my first sorry gift for you. I hope you’ll love it! (: I Love You! - Greyson <3”

You opened the box and it revealed a silver bracelet.

You admit it; you really love the bracelet he gave you.

It was really beautiful.

[Greyson’s POV]

Last night, I went out to buy something.

I bought a bracelet.

It was for [YN]. It will serve as my first sorry gift for her.

I just hope she’ll love it.

…: *knocks*

Me: Come in.

Tanner: Hey, bro! Breakfast is ready.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Just give me a minute.

Tanner: Okay? *smiles* so are you, thinking about [YN] again?

Me: Yeah. *gives a weak smile*

Tanner: Woah, that’s love. *laughs a bit*

Me: Tanner, tell me. Am I really.. bad?

Tanner: Of course not.

Me: Then, why can’t [YN] forgive me? Why does she still hate me?

Tanner: Greyson, you can’t blame her. All this time, she thinks that you cheated on her.

Me: But, I didn’t!

Tanner: Yes, I know that. But you know, girls have this quote “To see is to believe”. So yeah, she saw what you did and now she believes on it.

Me: But Tanner, I don’t understand! Why can’t she trust me anymore?

Tanner: I don’t know. I can’t answer that for you.

Me: *sighs*

Tanner: And Greyson, it’s your fault, why she lost her trust on you.

Me: *shook my head* Yes, I know.

Tanner: *pat my back* Okay, just earn her trust again.

Me: *nods*

Tanner: C’mon, let’s eat.

Tanner explained everything.

He’s right, it’s not [YN]’s fault. It’s my entire fault.

Yes, I can’t blame her. But I can blame myself.


[Your POV]

You kept the bracelet on a small jewelry box. You didn’t wear it yet.

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