The New Girl part 1

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Chapter 4
( 2 days later )
Rachels pov :
I was going to my class carrying all of these books when suddenly I bumped into someone causing our books to go every where. "Oh I am so sorry. " She said. "No its my fault I bumped into you. " I said handing her back her books . I smiled and then reconigzed the girl , "Ana ?" I said . "Rachel Berry how are you?" She asked me. "I'm good I thought you were at Carmel though. " I said. "I was but then my dad got a new job here and Lima so here I am. " She told me. "Uh I'm so happy you're here . " I said. "Me too. " She said. "So wheres your next class?" I asked her. "Um Spanish with Mr.Shuester. " She said. "Oh great I'm going there too. " I said. "Awesome. " She said. "Come on I'll take you. " I said and we left.

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