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Chapter 6
(1 month later )
Rachels pov :
I was in the living room watching Funny Girl with Jessie when he kissed me on the shoulder and I jumped. "Hey you okay?" He asked me . "Yeah I'm fine . " I said lying . He paused the movie , "Hey I was watching that." I said. "Rachel whats going on is there something you need to tell me ?" He asked. "No its just I don't like being kissed on the shoulder ." I told him. "Why ?" He asked me. "I don't know it just hurts thats all. " I told him. "Let me see . " He said and I showed him the bruise . "Who did that to you ?" He asked me. "No one . " I said lying . "Rachel you can tell me , I'm your boyfriend you can trust me . " He said. "I know but its a long story . " I said. He smiled and gave me his full attention, "I'm listening. " He said. "It was last year I was out in the parking lot and I was attacked from behind. They hit me hard and when they were done with it they left me there to die." I told him looking down . He gave me a sympathetic look and hugged me tightly and said, "I love you so much more than I did a minute ago. " He told me. I smiled, "You do ?" I asked. "I do , and I promise you as long as we're together, I will never hurt you." He said. I smiled and then he held my cheek and kissed me passionatley.

Shout out
Hey guys just want to give a quick shout out to 3 amazing writers _forevercimfam_ , bae152 , and duda_2908 these authors are so talented and amazing and please if you get the chance check out their books . Oh I just want to give a shout out to all of you for being amazing fans.

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