Your Going

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Chapter 17
Finns pov :
I walked into the auditorium to see my amazing girlfriend sitting on the edge of the stage. I smirked and sat down , "Hey Beautiful. " I said. She looked at me and gave me a beautiful smile. "Hi handsome. " She said. "So whatcha thinking about ?" I asked her. "Nothing." She said. "Oh come on Rachel I know you and I know that you have something on your mind. " I said. She sighed and said, "I guess I'm just going to miss this place. I mean I have so many memories good and bad but I've grown a lot and now it just feels like that part of my life is over ." She told me. I smiled put my arm around her and said , "What if I told you that this is just the beginning for you. " I said. "I don't know I mean..." I then pulled out a Yale broshore and gave it to her. "Whats this ?" She asked me . "The next for years of your life. " I told her. She smiled and said , "What?" She asked me confused. "Your going to Yale." I told her. "No I'm going to Ohio University with you." She said. "No I called Yale and told them that your going there ." I said. "What no what about us !" She said panicked. "Don't worry about us Rachel we'll make it work." I said. "No not without you Finn I won't go 10 millions miles across the country without you. " She told me . "Listen to me Rachel I love you and I promise we will make this work." I told her. "How?" She asked me. "Well we'll call eachother , we'll visit , we'll skype , we'll text we'll find a way I promise." I told her. I then wiped her tears and said, "I don't far away we are from eachother whether were 43 thousand miles a way from eachother or ten million miles apart we will always find eachother okay and plus we'll write eachother every single day. " I said. She smiled and said, "Promise?" I smiled, "I promise." I told her. She smiled and kissed me. "I love you." I said. She smiled, "I love you too." She said and then I took her hand . "Come on." I said. "Where are we going?" She asked. " Our last glee meeting of the year silly." I said and she laughed and we left .

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