Him or Me part 2

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Chapter 10
( 2 days later )
Rachels pov :
I was in my room when there was a knock on my door . "Come in . " I said. The door opened and it was my dad . "Hey. " He said. "Hey. " I said . He sat down and then said , "When were you going to tell me you got into Yale ?" He asked me. I smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't know if I should go I can't really afford it. " I said. "Rachel why didn't you tell me I would pay for it. " He said. "You would?" I asked. "Of course I would I'm your father thats my job." He told me. "Yeah but I don't want you to feel like you should. " I said. "Rachel look , I have missed so much in your life and if I could I would go back but I can't so I want to pay for you to go to college so please let me. " He begged . "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course you've worked so hard you deserve to go to a great university. " He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly, "thank you. " I said. "Now whats going on with you,Finn, and Jessie ?" He asked me. "Honestly I have no idea I like Jessie but I love Finn . " I told him. He smiled and grabbed my hand , "Well whoever you choose whether its Finn or Jessie or no one just know I'm here if you need me. " He told me . I smiled , "Thanks but I think I just need some air. " I said. "Okay . " He said and left .

( the next day )
I was at my locker when Jessie approched me and said, "We need to talk. " He said. "About what? " I asked. "Look I know about the kiss that you and Finn had so now you have an option its either him or me . " He told me . "What ? " I said. "You heard me I don't want to be used by you thats not fair so you have to choose . " He said and then left .

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