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Chapter 26
( 2 months later )
Rachels pov :
Its been two months since I've Funny Girl so this weekend I've decided to go home for the weekend and let my understudy fill in for me. Grant couldn't come though because he hand a big law case he had to do . He's been doing a lot of that lateley and its starting to feel like he's so busy he just doesn't have time anymore for me . Anyway since he's gone for the weekend I decided to go back to Lima because the glee club has Regionals this weekend so I figured I go. I walked into McKinley and smiled as I saw all the sweet and semi innocent people . I then saw a tall awkard brunette girl surrounded by a bunch of cheerios . "Well , well, well, look who it is lardos daughter. " A blonde cheerio said. "Leave me alone Kitty. " The brunette said. "Leave me alone Kitty. " The cheerio who I assumed name was Kitty imated. "Your so pathetic Marley . " She said to the girl whos name I assumed was Marley . Kitty then raised her fist and thats when I stepped in , "Hey!" I yelled. They turned around. "Who the hell are you? " Kitty asked. "I'm Rachel Berry - Shuester and you are ?" I asked. "Kitty head cheerio. " She said. "Well Kitty I think you should think twice before messing with my friend Marley." I said. "And whos going to stop me hobbit?" She asked. I smirked and said, "You know Kitty I used to deal with girls like you all the time and let me tell you I might not be able to kick your ass but I do know Coach Sue and I know she will definitely kick you off the squad if I tell her that your bullying my friend here." I said . She gave me the evil eye , "You wouldn't." I came closer. "Try me." I said. She thought for a moment and said , "Come on girls. " She told them and left. I looked at Marley and she then smiled with relief and said , "Thank you so much um..." "Rachel, Rachel Berry - Shuester. " I said. "Wait are you Mr.Shues daughter?" She asked. "Yes I am . " I said. "Wow he talks about you a lot but aren't you suppose to be on broadway? " She asked. "Well I'm actually on break." I said. "Oh well really thank you for helping me out back there Kittys kind of a ...." "Bitch." I said. "Yeah." She said. "Well no worries as long as I'm here she won't bother you." I said. "So are you in glee club?" I asked her. "Yeah but I'm not that great of a singer ." She said. "Oh come on I'm sure thats not true. " I told her. "I'm just really shy. " She told me. "I get it but I'll you what why don't we do a duet and we can see how good you are." I said. "Really you would sing with me ?" She said . "Of course , I love to sing plus us girls got help eachother out." I said. She smiled, "Okay . " and we walked into the glee club. "Rachel! " My dad said suprised to see me . "Hi dad. " I said giving him a hug . "What are you doing here ? " He asked me. "Well I needed a break from the city so I decided to come here. " I said. "Thats great but what about Grant? " He asked me. "Well he's been busy with work so he won't notice . " I said. "Okay well lets get started everyone. " He said. "Wheres Finn?" Ryder asked. "Right here." Finn said coming in . "Finn your late." My dad said . "Sorry I .... " He then saw me , "Rachel hey. " He said. I smiled and said, "Hi Finn ." I said. "Okay so anyway . Regionals is coming up and we need a soloist so Kitty you want it." He asked her . "Actually dad can I say something. " I asked. "Sure what is it? " He asked. "Well I believe Marley wanted to try out." I said. He looked at her and said, "Marley is that true?" He asked her . She looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah I guess. " She said. "Well go for it." I said . "Okay but can Rachel try out with me I'm kind a of nervous. " She said. "Guess you can't try out then." Kitty said. "Sure Marley." He said and we got up and started :
Some folks like to get away
For a holiday from the neighborhood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach
Or to Hollywood
But I'm taking a Greyhound
On the Hudson River Line
I'm in a New York state of mind

It was so easy living day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and the blues
But now I need a little give and take

The New York Times,

The Daily News

It comes down to reality
And it's fine with me
'cause I've let it slide

Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside

I don't have any reasons

I've left them all behind

I'm in a New York state of mind

I'm just taking a Greyhound

On the Hudson River Line

'Cause I'm in

I'm in a New York state of


New York State of Mind
(End song )
Everyone clapped for her and I gave her a hug . "I think we found our new soloist ." My dad said.

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