Chapter 4

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Tommy and I pull up to the restaurant. It was a cheesy pizza joint only a few blocks from Verdant. Just in case anyone mistook this for a date, his choice of restaurant made it clear that it wasn't. I mean, I would come her for a date but not people in Tommy's standing, they never would. I don't know how I'm going to explain to Tommy how to understand Oliver when I can't right now, but I have about two minutes to figure it out. We sat at the table and I start talking before I lose my train of thought.
"Tommy, I don't know how much you know of those five years he was away. I don't know much, but what I do know is that he had to break every part of the Oliver you knew to survive. On that island, he killed to survive in order to come back to his family and friends. So yes, sometimes he kills but he does it to protect you, Thea, and this city, but he's not a killing machine or a monster." I paused to take a breath.
"How do you know he's not?" Tommy questioned.
"Because I'm there when he comes back after he had to kill, I see the look in his eyes. Every time I see the same thing: his sorrow, his heartbreak. Every time he has to kill, it kills a bit of his soul."
"Really? I guess I never see that, I just really wish he could find another way to stop them," Tommy stated.
"He's working on it, I promise," I told Tommy. While Tommy and I finished our pizza, I could see the weight taken off his shoulders.
We were standing outside, both getting ready to go our separate ways. "Thank you so much, Felicity. Can I give you a ride?" Tommy offered.
"No thank you, I'm actually headed to the book store and I like walking anyway. Good night, Tommy," I said, and turned to start walking toward the book store which was about seven blocks away. There is a café about four blocks from here where I plan on grabbing a hot cocoa. In line at the café, I check the time; it's 9:30. The book store will be closing soon so I need to hurry. I decide that if I'm going to make it in time, I will have to skip my cocoa. I get to the store 20 minutes before close. Good thing I know what I want. I pick up a few books and sci-fi novels, but I also pick up the science news journal. I find it so fascinating. With my six not-so-light books, I start to walk home when this huge gust of wind comes. I blink, and now I'm standing in front of my apartment door. I look around and see no one. Maybe it's just one of those things like when you're driving and thinking about something when suddenly you're pulling in the driveway with no memory of driving home. I put the books down and rustle through my purse to find my keys.
In my apartment, I boiled some water so I could have some hot cocoa. I go turn some music on low just so there is noise in the house. I hate when it's too quiet. I'm in my bed room changing in to my jammies and letting my hair out of its ponytail when I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to find Oliver standing there. What is he doing here?



I'm standing outside of Felicity's apartment. I thought I was going home but I ended up here. I knock on the door and hear footsteps through the home. A lump forms in my throat. Why am I nervous? I see her every day. When she opens the door I see her standing there in a small tank top jammie shorts. She looks so beautiful... shit, I do have feelings for her, Laurel was right. We both stand there looking at each other.
"Felicity? Hello," I finally say.
"Hi, Oliver. Come in," She says, pulling the door more open. "I'm making hot cocoa, would you like some?" she asked.
"Yes, thank you," I answered.
"So, boss man, what are you doing at my home? Not that you're not welcome here on my couch, you can hang out on my couch anytime you want." If I didn't stop her, she would babble adorably forever.
"Felicity, I'm here to apologize for getting in your business with Tommy," I stated. With a smile, she replied, "You know it wasn't a date, right? He is not my type. I was just helping him come to grips with the 'Hood'," she told me.
"'The Arrow'," I corrected her. She looked at me with her head sideways and a big smile. "That is so much better than the 'Hood'," she confirmed.
"Yes it is. Laurel came up with it right before she broke up with me," I confided in her. With shock in her eyes, she put her cup down on the coffee table and sat facing me from the other end of the couch. WOW, I never took notice to just how amazing her eyes are. I could look into them forever.
"Oliver, I'm sorry," she said, taking her hand in mine. The moment she touches me, chills run through my entire body. Right before I could say anything to her, there is a knock on her door. She looks at me inquisitively like I know who it is. I shake my head telling her no. She shrugs and gets up to answer it. She answers it and her entire body language changes to excitement.
"Barry!" she yells, jumping at the man in her door way, throwing her arms around him. Why didn't I get this type of greeting from her when I arrived? I know it's because he's been in a coma for about ten months.
"Come in! Come in!" she says, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the door. I stand up to leave and say good bye to Felicity.
"Wait, Oliver, I want to talk to both of you," Barry interjects.
"Ok, so I woke up about a month ago..." Barry started to say.
"And you didn't call or email," Felicity said with attitude.
"I know, sorry. About my second day awake, I found out that I was fast. Like, super-fast," he told us.
"Ok, but I don't get why that prevented you from calling for a month," Felicity said with her arms crossed at her chest. And just like that, WHOOSH! A red flash left and a second later he was back with a drink from the coffee shop across town.
"Oh ok, I get it now," I said in shock. Both of us just stared at him. He continued to say, "With the help of Dr. Wells and his associates, I'm protecting Central City. Another meta-human escaped and I believe he is in Starling City so I've come to get her."
"Meta-human?" I questioned. "Her?" Felicity questioned.
"A person who gets superhuman abilities through a certain means. Most obtained their powers after surviving an explosion caused by a malfunction of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator. She is Shawna Baez, a meta-human with the ability to teleport to any location she can see," Barry answers.
"We will get to work on this tomorrow then," I stated.
"Barry, you can stay here if that makes it easier for you. That way we can catch up and you can fill me in on all this meta-human stuff," Felicity offered.
"Great thanks." He said walking into the bathroom. I look at her with wide eyes.
"What? He's sleeping on the couch," she said, ushering me out the door. "Good night, Mr. Queen," and she shut the door. When I first met Barry I never thought I would ever be jealous of him, but here I am, home alone, and he is in the company of my beautiful IT girl.

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