Chapter 5

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After realizing that my outfit wasn't entirely appropriate for hosting company I went to the closet, grabbed a hoodie, and threw it on. I go to the coffee table and grab the cups for our hot cocoa and place them in the kitchen sink. I hear the bathroom door open; Barry walks in and sits on the couch. I go and sit on the other side on the couch.
"So, you and Oliver?" Barry questioned. With wide eyes I answered, "No. He has... had a girlfriend. They just broke up tonight and he needed a friend. He doesn't see me like that. I'm just the IT girl."
"You are much more than just an IT girl, Felicity," Barry told me. "Barry Allen, are you flirting with me?" I question with a smile.
"Maybe a little," he answered with a bigger smile.
"It's late, time for bed.. alone, I mean. I'll be in my room and you'll be on the couch of course. Not to be rude, if you want the bed I can sleep on the couch," I babbled. "Good night Felicity," Barry said, lying down on the couch.
I go into the bedroom closing the door behind me. I lean my head on the door and sigh. Normally I have no visitors, but today two of the most perfect men both came to my home while I was in pajamas. Yeah, that does sound like my luck. I take off the hoodie, turn off the light, and crawl into bed. Lying in bed I couldn't help but think why Oliver stopped by just to apologize. In almost two years of knowing him, he's never come to my house. Not that I minded it.
I heard some weird noise coming from my kitchen. I looked at the clock, it was 7AM. I grab the hoodie off the floor and put it back on and walk to the kitchen which is about five big steps from where I'm standing; this certainly isn't the Queen Mansion. When I turn the corner I see that Barry has run to the diner down the street and brought back Belgian waffles.
"Yum, my favorite!" I said sitting at the table.
"I remember from my last visit," he said.
"Barry that was ten months ago," I reminded him, shocked that he remembered something so trivial.
"I know but not much has happened in ten months. Ya know... coma," he joked, pretending to get struck by imaginary lightning.
"Barry, that's not funny," I said, trying to hold back my giggles. He smiled and sat down on the chair across from mine and started eating.
"So what do you do with the meta-humans after you stop them? You don't kill them do you?" I asked reluctantly.
"We have a prison in S.T.A.R Labs. I could never kill anyone," He answered.
"That's good to hear, I really hope the time doesn't come where you'll have to," I said, smiling at him.
"Your smile is infectious.... in the best way possible," He told me with a charming smile.
I heard a horn and at first I had no idea where it was coming from until I realized it was my purse. I grab it, take my phone out, and answer it.
"Felicity, it's Diggle. I was just checking to see when you and Mr. Allen are coming to Verdant."
"We are on our way, see you soon Digg," I said, and hung up. Looking at Barry, I informed him it was time to go.
I sit back down and continue to eat. "Felicity, should we get going?" Barry asked.
"You have super speed. We can finish eating and still be there in five minutes," I said with a smirk. We finished eating, got dressed, and were there in four minutes. We walk down the stairs and Diggle and Oliver are training. Barry leaned to my ear and said, "It's darker than I remember." I giggled. Digg and Oliver turned to look at the noise. "You two took your sweet time getting here," Oliver said. "I got off the phone with Digg four minutes ago," I replied a little annoyed. I go to my area in the foundry - my computers. "So, for a start I will run Shawna's face through the facial recognition software and see if we get a hit," I informed the team.
"Good," Barry and Oliver said in unison. Both gave each other a stern look. "Barry, I know this is your case but we are in my town so we will do this the Arrow way," Oliver told him. Barry let out a little giggle and when we didn't join in, "Oh you're serious? Oliver, I know you've been doing this longer than I have but you have no idea what it means to go up against these super-humans," Barry reminded him. "If you want my and the team's help, you will do this my way. If not, you know where the door is," Oliver said in his serious voice. "Barry, last night you said that Shawna can only teleport to places she can see, right?" I asked him. He shook his head yes. "If that's the case, then once we find her why don't we wait till night? Then you and Oliver can back her into one of the dark, abandoned buildings and Digg could be there with the trap to catch her?" I wondered. "Woman, you are a genius! That will work perfect!" Barry exclaimed. I smiled and looked at Oliver, waiting to see what he thought of my plan. Before he could answer, my computer beeped. I've now successfully located Shawna. "Guys, she's at the mall. My guess is that she's using that stolen money to shop," I offered. "Why don't you and I head down there, Felicity, and put a tracker on her so we can put your plan into action tonight?" Barry asked. I stood to grab my purse. "Wait, Barry, you shouldn't go. She might recognize you. If she does, you'll ruin Felicity's plan. So her and I will go down there and place the tracker. You just hang out here and try not to break anything, kid. Digg, if she leaves before we get to her, let us know. You ready, Felicity?" Oliver asked.

On our way to the mall, Felicity was quiet, which was not like her. Granted, if she were to talk I wouldn't have been able to hear her over the wind. We arrive at the mall and I offer Felicity my hand to help her off the back of my bike. She pushes my hand away and jumps off, stumbling when she hits the ground. She starts to walk toward the entrance, and I grab her forearm to turn her toward me. "Hey, is everything ok?" I ask. Walking toward the mall again, "I just don't understand why you feel the need to call Barry "kid" and talk down to him like that," she stated bluntly. "I just get nervous that he will get too cocky with his new ability and mess up. Just trying to keep him humble and alive, that's all," I answered. "Well it's very kind of you to worry, but maybe next time be a little nicer to him, he really looks up to you, Oliver," she said with a kind smile.
One of the best things about Felicity is that she always thinks about others first. Even if it's just feelings. "So what store do you think she is in? Felicity. Earth to Felicity," I say, trying to get her attention. " Sorry Oliver, I was just thinking. What did you say?" She asked. "What were you thinking about?" I questioned. "Well I just... I feel bad going after her. I went through all her information, Oliver. Before she woke up with that gift she was struggling to pay her bills. Wouldn't anyone that could, take that money?" She asked me. "Most likely, but not everyone would kill people. We aren't going after the woman, we are going after the killer," I answered. "Right," she said looking down. "Hey," I said touching her cheek. "It's amazing the way you always look for the good in everyone. It is one of the many reasons you are irreplaceable to me and the team." She looked up at me with those amazing clear blue eyes. Staring in to her eyes with my newfound feeling for her, I thought to myself here you go Oliver, tell her how you feel. "Felicity!" I say with my newfound courage to tell her I love her; but out of the corner of my eye I see Shawna. "She over there, here's our chance," I informed her.
She grabs the penny-sized piece of metal out of her pocket, twists it, and a faint blue light glows twice. I guess that means it on. She grabs my hand and we walk toward Shawna. Felicity starts laughing and walking backwards and bumps into Shawna, knocking her to the ground. Felicity stands up and grabs Shawna's hand, and as she does that she attaches the tracker. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," she says cuddling up to me. "It's no problem," Shawna replies and walks away. After Shawna gets out of eyesight, Felicity backs up. "I did it! See, boss? I'm pretty good in the field," Felicity said with a confident smile. I smiled and shook my head at her and we headed back to the Foundry.

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