Ch.35 The Unknown

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You were my strength when I was weak.
You were my voice when I couldn't speak.
You were my eyes when I couldn't see.
You saw the best there was in me.
Lifted me up when I could not reach.
You gave me faith because you believed.
I am everything I am, because you loved me


Genevieve felt her heart lurch within her ribcage. "What do you mean?"

Levi looked at Remy and smiled. "The embryo is no longer an embryo, it's grown into a fetus. It's growing too fast for a human embryo."

Remy raised an eyebrow, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "In other words; the baby is supernatural, which means I am the biological father?"

Genevieve and Remy were both glancing at Levi with impatient expressions on their faces.

Levi turned his back to the couple, while searching through the back of a supply cabinet." Exactly, but the fetus shows no signs of being human. In fact it he or she is located very close to the main artery, that supplies the womb with blood; Classical traits of a vampire pregnancy."

Levi handed Genevieve an accurate pamphlet for the situation, before pulling Remy over to the side.

"What's wrong?" Remy asked as soon as they were out of hearing range.

"Do you know if you had a heartbeat as a child?" Levi asked, both men giving Genevieve a reassuring smile when she looked over at them.

"I've always had a very slow heartbeat. Why? What's wrong with the baby?"

Levi nodded a confused look on his face. "The baby is more vampire than anything, that's why it has no heartbeat. I was expecting a heartbeat, because you have one as well as Genevieve naturally having one."

Remy could feel his temper spiking. "What are you trying to get at?"

"The baby growing at a rapid speed inside of Genevieve is at least 60% vampire. It's physically not possible if you are part werewolf and part vampire, while Genevieve is human." Levi explained.

"I don't understand. Even if it weren't my child it would still be half human." Remy thought out loud. "I know Genevieve's not part vampire. Are you sure that the baby is 60% part vampire?"

"I can't tell you for sure how much percent the baby is part vampire, but it's very high. Like I said before, the fetus is located near a large artery, Genevieve's pupils are dilated, her cheeks are pretty rosy. Has she had any problems?" Levi named typical vampire pregnancy symptoms, while racking his brain for any type of explanation.

Remy crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes wandering over to his mate, who silently read through the pamphlet. "She's been more emotional, but that's expected."

Levi nodded. "The only explanation for the fast growing rate as well as the high percentage of vampire, would be that the fetus is under a lot of stress as it fights off another male's enzymes."

"The assault ..." Remy lowered his voice, fighting off the rumbling beast inside off him.

Levi shook his head, glancing at Genevieve. "No. It has to be from a shifter in the Canis lupus family, but the exchange had to happen within 32 hours after conception. "

"I'll call her fathers." Remy replied, afterwards walking back over to Genevieve.

Genevieve looked up at Remy a small smile on her face. "What's wrong? The baby is supernatural, so it's yours. What did Levi tell you?"

"Levi's worried that it's growing to fast." Remy kissed her forehead, and then her lips softly.

Genevieve blushed, when she realized Levi was still in the room watching them. "Okay, then the baby will be here earlier than we thought. It's not that much of a problem.

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