Ch.14 Daddy's Little Girl

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Anything you can do, I can do better.

Even when she's soaked through, I could make her wetter.

Stop try'na make me look bad, so you can be taken seriously,

What makes you think I give a fuck what people think of me?


Ava stood behind the red curtains in the auditorium, hands clammy as she waited for her name to be called. Her blonde curls were pulled into a neat bun, and she was dressed in her new red dress and white tights. Nibbling on her lower lip, she flattened out the non existent wrinkles on her dress.

She tried remembering the lines of her poem, mumbling them silently and hoping she didn't mess up. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her whole school. Tonight was the valentine talent show and she had worked on her poem for two long weeks.

" Up next is Ava Rose Monroe with her family poem." The schools principle announced Ava through the speaker, followed by loud claps and shouts.

Ava nervously made her way onto the small stage, the bright lights shining as she took her place in the center. Gripping the microphone in her hands, Ava stared at the large crowd, searching for the faces of her family. She spotted her mother's face first, who gave her a big smile and a thumbs up, making Ava relax just a ounce.

Ava closed her eyes, took a deep breath before letting a happy smile slip onto her face.

"So there's this boy, he makes me blush.

He makes me smile and he's my crush.

We like to share secrets, whispers at night.

But we never tell my brother Roman, because he's uptight.

The boy, my crush; he doesn't talk much and that's okay,

because words aren't needed anyway.

He has choppy brown hair and hazel eyes,

once we kissed under night skies.

Mommy says we're cute as she brushes my curls,

but to never tell daddy because I'm his little girl.

The boy and I, we're still young with long lifelines,

so until then,  Daddy be my valentine.

Daddy if you hear me, come up on stage,

and remember I'll be your little girl until our old age."

The crowd began to clap and whistle, as Remy stalked down the isle and hopped on stage to pull Ava into his arms, kissing her forehead.

"I love you daddy, so much." Ava grinned, wrapping her small arms around her father's neck.

Remy stared at his daughter, and kissed her nose, smiling he hugged her tighter. "I love you too, baby girl."


It had been nearly a week, and everybody seemed to be growing even more anxious. They had the right to. The dagger remained lodged deep in Ava's chest, her hair had faded into a cotton white and her skin was sickly pale. Each day they had been waiting for the results to come back from the lab, so they could identify the poison, and today was that day.

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