Ch.2 Good Memories

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Maddox could feel a slight burning in his eyes as his irises changed color for the first time, the dark lenses of his sunglasses hiding the change. He could feel the wolf side of himself coming to the front, his gums aching and fingertips burning. He watched the two teenagers hesitantly walk across the parking lot and over towards him.

Ava Rose had changed ... a lot.

Her hair was even curlier and longer, her eyes looked brighter, her skin still held its milky pale touch despite her heritage and her cheeks were even rosier. Ava's thin, curveless body had filled out nicely. Her thighs were thick, her waist narrow and her chest small. Her height hadn't changed much, she was still on the short side -around 5'2.

Next to Ava was a boy in his late teens who Maddox presumed to be her boyfriend -because he definitely wasn't her older brother. He was fairly tall, reaching the height of 6'1 and he had Filipino features and a slim, but muscled physique.

Human. Maddox thought to himself.

In a weird way, Maddox was glad that Ava had found someone. Clearly she was over Maddox, and Maddox himself didn't have to reveal that they were mates. Ava and their obvious bond was the reason he had to leave in the first place and now that it was time for him to take over the pack, he couldn't let that happen again.

Maddox knew Ava was his mate from a young age, the way she looked at him with innocent eyes and the butterflies he would get whenever they touched. To someone on the outside, their relationship wasn't quite that obvious because of the age difference, but behind closed doors their age didn't matter.

It was the small things that Ava did or even said, that initially brought them together.

A soft knock sounded at Maddox's bedroom door, before a mop of dark blonde curls was visible. Ava walked into his room, her hair wild and cheeks rosy, her small body dressed in a cute summer dress and beady sandals.

"Maddox." Ava called the eleven year old boy, when she didn't spot him in his overly clean bedroom.

The boy poked his head out of the window, as he sat on the roof. "I'm up here."

Ava walked over to the window and smiled at Maddox sweetly. "Can you help me up?"

Maddox reached down and lifted Ava onto the roof with ease. They weren't suppose to be on the roof, especially Ava, but Maddox was up there with her and he would make sure she was safe.

They sat in silence with the warm sun beaming down on them. It was common for them to sit in a comfortable silence. Maddox had always been a quiet boy and Ava hadn't minded.

Maddox looked like he was dressed for a heavy winter and Ava was dressed for the hot summer day it actually was. Maddox was always dressed in sweaters or big hoodies, anything to cover the nasty scars.

Maddox could feel Ava's eyes on him making him glance at her. She smiled softly before getting off the roof and back into his bedroom. Maddox could hear her opening something that sounded like a drawer or a closet, before she emerged again, one of Maddox's sweaters pulled on over her dress.

Maddox helped Ava up on the roof again, and young Ava held onto his hand. She intertwined their fingers and with her other hand she traced the gruesome scars on Maddox's exposed hand.

"Daddy says it's okay to be different, and when you have someone who loves you it's easier to be different." Ava said softly, occasionally looking up at Maddox's face.

Maddox squeezed her small hand, but didn't say anything in response. They sat there that afternoon, basking in the afternoon sun and a sweet silence around them.

Maddox was pulled out of one of many memories, when Ava and her boyfriend stood in front of him.

"You've changed." Ava said softly, looking up at Maddox.

Maddox nodded his head stiffly and glanced at the boy beside his mate.

"Max." He introduced himself to the boy, sticking out a hand for him to shake.

"Sebastian." The boy smiled genuinely, and shakes his hand with a human strength.

The awkward introduction was over quickly and Maddox helped them load their bags into the trunk of the SUV.

"Where's your brother?" Maddox asked as he pulled out the parking lot, Ava and Sebastian seated in the back.

"He found his mate, but she was already marked by another male, I think. He said he'll call dad tonight." Ava replied, bouncing her knee.

Maddox was acting weird and he looked weird. He looked a lot older and manlier, muscled and intimidating.

"Remy doesn't know you are bringing your boyfriend home for the summer?" Maddox asked, dark eyebrows raised.

Remy was not going to like this. Remy was going to hate this.

"Her dad is going to kill me, right?" Sebastian asked, actual fear creeping up his spine.

Even in witch tribes did they talk about the great hybrid. Ruthless to those he didn't know, and fatal to those he didn't like.

Maddox resisted the urge to confirm the boys assumptions, instead he glanced at Ava in the rearview mirror. "You should have told Remy."

Sebastian slumped in his seat and Ava tried reassuring her boyfriend.

Maddox ignored the two for the rest of the car ride. He needed to find a solution to his problem. Sunglasses wouldn't be an option for the whole summer. Maddox wondered if contacts would work.

Nearly an hour later they were parked outside of Ava's large family home, green grass and palm trees visible, and the bright rays of the sun reflecting against the pool in the backyard.

Maddox knocked on the door and Genevieve opened it, a beaming smile on her face.

Ava was wrapped in the arms of her mother and hugged tightly. After Gen released her daughter she was introduced to Sebastian, and nonetheless was she overly happy.

"Where is your brother?" Genevieve asked, pouring the trio glasses of water.

"He's still at school. He isn't coming this summer, he found his mate but he said he'll call tonight to talk to dad." Ava replied, holding Sebastian's hand under the table.

"Speaking of your dad, I'll go get him. He's out back with the twins." Genevieve kissed her daughter on the cheek, before going to get her husband.

"This is it." Sebastian groaned under his breath, as he waited for his death.

Maddox watched the boy have a melt down and in a way he felt bad. Sebastian didn't need to worry because in reality he wasn't her mate, -Maddox was.

"Calm down. Everything will be fine." Ava locked her lips with Sebastian.

Seconds later a loud growl bounced off the kitchen walls, a powerful statement made by her father, the hybrid.


This story will have lot's of flashbacks between Maddox and Ava to grasp their relationship they had before he left.

Maddox is set on hiding the bond and Ava is only nineteen so she would first find out in two years if Maddox really does hide it.

Remy & Genevieve have four children. An older son (I need help with a name), Ava Rose, & boy twins (they need names too).

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