Ch.3 Happy Or Sad

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The forest was dead silent besides the harsh breaths coming from Remy. I could see his muscles go from relaxed to tense as he stood in a protecting stance. A powerful growl tore through the the silence and Remy started to shake, probably on the verge of shifting. The warriors took a step closer, earning them another warning growl. The pack fighters had already shifted into their second form, wolves with sharp, blade-like teeth. They stood in front of us, nearly sixty five feet away, not backing down. I hesitantly laid my shaking hand on Remy's back, feeling his muscles flex under my touch.

A warrior stepped forward out of the middle with his weapon pointed at the man in front of me. I recognized him as Dean, the Alphas first son, oddly my first crush, and the leader of the fighters and warriors. His grey eyes flickered to me before settling back on Remy.

"Genevieve, move your fat ass over here. My father wouldn't be happy if you got shot in the process."

Before I could understand what was happening, Remy stood in front of Dean holding him by his neck, so they were eye to eye.

"No one touches her or I'll snap your neck without a second thought!" 

Remy's voice held power as he threatened Dean, squeezing his neck for emphasis.

"Back down, blood sucker, you're on my territory." Dean growled out obviously oblivious to who or what Remy was.

I could see Remy let go of Dean as he started to shake, not in anger but in ... laughter. Was he asking for a death wish?! I ran to them, hoping to prevent the huge fight that was bound to break out.

"Dean, just let us go, he'll be leaving." I tried to convince him, pointing to Remy at the end.

Their heads snapped in my direction, both looking furious. I didn't understand how the situation could worsen by just a few words. Remy opened his mouth but Dean beat him to it.

"Who do you think you are, Genevieve? Just do us all a big favor and shut the fuck up.

With that, Remy lunged at Dean, knocking him over before punching his face repeatedly. Dean struggled against Remy, but couldn't land a strong enough hit. The warriors and fighters were ready to intervene, though Dean growled indicating he didn't need their help. Remy hadn't looked like he was planning to stop any time soon but if he didn't, he'd be signing his death certificate by killing the next alpha.

"Remy, stop!" I yelled, hoping he would listen.

His head swung in my direction. His appearance scared me more than he had when he was chasing me into the forest. His once blue eyes were now a beady black, with no trace of white. What really caught my attention were his two sets of long sharp fangs, producing from his gums. I fell backwards, from the internal shock, but was caught when two fighters caught me before holding me back and, may I say, it was very painful. I struggled against them, needing to stop this fight between Remy and Dean.

Remy had turned his angry eyes back to Dean and he raised his hand. His normal fingernails were gone and replaced with long sharp claws, those of a werewolf's. My heart literally dropped to my stomach. We all knew what Remy was about to do. Remy would bring his claws down, ending Dean's life.

I shut my eyes tightly, thinking this was all just a dream right?! Though, as soon as I had my eyes shut, I reopened them when shots were fired. The shots rang through my ears, practically piercing through my eardrums.

The sight in front of me was worse than the pain in my ears. A non moving Remy was sprawled across the ground, next to a battered and heavy breathing Dean. I managed to escape the hold of the two men and ran to Remy, ignoring Dean. He was a Werewolf; he would heal from his beaten state.

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