Ch.9 Avadox All The Way

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Picture: Roman's small party


You don't know how lucky you are

Hanging with that girl on your arm

But soon enough I'm taking my shot


Maddox stepped out of Alpha Dario's office, a quiet sigh escaping his mouth as he made his way down the hallway of the large pack house. He walked down the stone porch steps and stepped into the backyard that led into the surrounding forest.

Only three more days. Maddox thought to himself.

He had been on Alpha Dario's territory for four days and quite frankly he wanted to get back to California, to his pack. Preparing a pack for a possible rogue attack should have been so much easier and less time efficient, but when Maddox got to hear about the previous attacks as well as studying the warriors fighting skills, what should have been flew out the window.

Maddox had arranged for himself to stay three more days to help during training, and secretly to avoid Ava just a little longer. Whether on purpose or not, Remy had mentioned to Maddox that Ava had confessed to Sebastian about their kiss. Remy had also mentioned that Ava and Sebastian had patched things up pretty well and that he didn't want Maddox playing with his daughter's heart, for Maddox to keep his lips to himself ... unless he knew something they didn't.

Ava's my mate. Maddox had wanted to say, but what would that have mattered if Ava truly did want Sebastian.

Ava wasn't a child, if she really doubted her feeling for Sebastian she would have broke up with him. If anything, Ava was honest, so if she confessed to Sebastian and tried to repair the relationship then maybe Ava really did love him. And that was the thought that crushed Maddox.

He couldn't risk everything to pursue a real relationship with Ava if she was already emotionally invested in another guy.

Yeah, mates tended to end up together in the end, but it didn't mean they naturally would. Just take a look at Ava's uncle Levi and his wife Maclynn.


"Who's there?" A soft voice called, fear detectable in the feminine voice.

Maddox raised his eyebrows in question as he sat on the stone bench next to the young woman. He didn't say anything, ignoring the woman as he stared straight ahead.

The woman sniffed the air and looked at Maddox, but the fear was till clear on her pretty face.

"Johnny?" She called sniffing the air again, as she gripped the book in her hands.

Maddox was confused, but then he noticed the gray patch on the woman's brown eyes.

She was blind.

"Not Johnny, Maddox. Do you want me to go get someone?" Maddox asked, watching as her shoulders slowly relaxed.

"You're the next alpha to your pack, right?" She ignored his question asking her own.

Maddox nodded in response, before quickly verbalizing his answer. "Yeah."

"I'm Sara, the alpha's daughter." She set her book aside, and stuck out her hand in Maddox's direction.

Maddox grasped her hand and gave it a quick shake. "Max."

As they enjoyed the calming silence that followed after their introduction, Maddox glanced over at her. Spotting the small mating mark on the crook of her neck, Maddox asked. "Who's your mate?"

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