Ch.1 Train Station

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Your eyes must glow to know if you are looking at your mate.

Ch.1 Train Station

"Your dad is going to kill me." Sebastian said, as he leaned back into the cheap seat.

Ava glanced at the teenage boy, a smile on her face. "He won't. We just have to ease him into the idea."

"And we are doing that by continuing to let him think you are showing up with your brother?"

Laughing, Ava leaned over and kissed Sebastian on the cheek. "Are you scared?"

Sebastian shook his head and intertwined his fingers with Ava's cold one's. "I just have a feeling he won't be so accepting of us because I'm human."

"Because your human?" Ava frowned, squeezing his hand comfortingly. "He won't care. My mom's human too and he didn't have a problem."

Sebastian looked at her skeptically. "It's not the same. I'm the man in this relationship, I should be able to protect you."

Ava could feel his distress. "Sebastian."

The boy with the Filipino facial features glanced at his girlfriend. She placed her hand on his cheek and met his lips with her own. Their lips moved in sync, sweet and soft, the taste of her watermelon chapstick on his lips.

"Don't worry." Ava said softly against his lips.

Ava and Sebastian met in School two year ago, initially an innocent attraction between the two teens. He was the sweet boy with the famous smirk and exotic features. She was the new student violet eyes and the popular older brother. Becoming dance partners created a true friendship and led to a cute relationship between the two.

They had been dating for almost a year, and Remy had no clue about this relationship his daughter was having. Ava had confined in her mother the day after Sebastian and Ava made it exclusive, and Genevieve was surprised but happy for her only daughter. Ava had begged Genevieve not to tell Remy and so far Genevieve had kept the promise.

On the other hand Sebastian's adoptive parents were witch hunters and aware of the relationship between their son and Ava. They were very supportive of their relationship, despite it being unclear if he was Ava's mate or if he had one himself.

Ava and Sebastian hadn't really discussed the matter, but they were both aware of what would happen if either of them found their mate.


"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked, referring to the surprised look on Ava's face.

"My dad just sent me a txt." She replied, her face losing all it's color. "Maddox is waiting for us at the train station."

Furrowing his dark eyebrows, Sebastian glanced at his girlfriend. "Maddox? I thought he moved away..."

Ava blinked her eyes, before turning to Sebastian. "He did, but now he's back."

"Are you going to be okay?" Sebastian knew a little about Maddox and from that little information Ava told him, he had gathered that Maddox had a small part of Ava's heart.

Ava seen the worry in Sebastian's brown eyes and that made her smile. "I'll be fine, because I have you."

Sebastian chuckled, afterwards pressing his lips to Ava's forehead. "Why do you think he's back?"

"I'm not sure." Ava said honestly. "I'm not even sure why he left. One day he was there and the next he was gone."

Ava could remember that day better than her own birthdays. She had been fourteen at the time, with the biggest crush on Maddox. She never had a celebrity crush, she had her big eyes set on the older boy. She never dreamed of a prince or a knight in shining armor, she dreamed of being Maddox's mate. Her crush had become something more. Her whole childhood she had only had eyes for the lanky boy and then one day he was just gone. She hadn't seen or heard anything from him after that.

"Do you think he wants the alpha position?"

"He's twenty-two now, so maybe." Ava replied, while leaning into Sebastian's chest as they rode the last three minutes on the train.

"I want to meet him." Sebastian said after a while.

Ava raised her eyebrows. "Why?"

"So I can see who you used to day dream about." Sebastian chuckled. Sebastian didn't feel threatened by Maddox, because Ava's feelings for Maddox had dissolved over time -right?

Ava blushed, flicking Sebastian on the nose. "I did not."

She definitely did.


Ava and Sebastian made their way to the parking lot of the train station, fingers interlocked. They were unsure what type of car Maddox was driving, so Ava told Sebastian to look for a lanky guy, with a pretty face almost baby like.

That's how Ava had Maddox in memory. He had been tall, very thin and a pretty face. He had been the boy next door.

"Ava." A deep voice called from over the parking lot.

The voice made Ava blush and surely her heart would have sped up if it functioned in that sense.

Ava and Sebastian turned to see a 6'4 man, dressed in dark jeans, an old leather jacket, tattoos on his neck, hair buzzed off and dark shades covering his hazel eyes.

"Is that him?" Sebastian asked, while looking at the guy. "He isn't exactly how you described..."

"That's Maddox." Ava whispered.


First chapter!!! What do you think? It was short because I want to ease into the story and pace it right this time. This book will be different from the first one.

Do you like Sebastian and Ava? (Add a ship name)

How will Remy react to Sebastian?

In what way do you think Maddox changed?

Vote, comment and let me know what you think!

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