Ch.15 The Scary Truth

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I will love you 'til the end of time

I would wait a million years

Promise you'll remember that you're mine

Blue Jeans ~ Lana Del Rey


I hope you like the chapter and vote for it. Don't forget to comment. The surgery went well but I won't be well enough to update until a few days!!


"It didn't work. I ... I don't understand. It should have worked." Maddox whispered, tears pooling in his eyes as a lump formed in his throat.

"Leave." Remy growled out, eyes black and fangs bared. He warned Maddox and he really didn't want to have to kill the boy.

Maddox didn't move from Ava's side. He remained there, mumbling quietly to himself, as he watched the black swirls of poison continue to move under Ava's skin.

"I said get out, Maddox!" Remy yelled, pulling him back by his sweater.

If he left the pain wouldn't be that bad. He wouldn't have to witness first hand how he killed his mate. Maddox was scared enough, he didn't need to visually see Ava succumb the poison.

Maddox bared his own fangs, his face res with anger despite the tears running down his face. "She's your daughter, but she's my mate! I'm not leaving her! You would never leave Genevieve, so shut the hell up!"

The men were close to attacking each other, before Silas stormed into the room. "We got a trace on the poison. It was purchased just out of town at some witch shop. Roman has the address."

Remy faced Maddox. "Go with Roman."

"I'm not leaving Ava." Maddox glared back, body tense with anger and frustration.

Remy stared at Maddox, his pupils dilating to tiny black dots. Maddox could feel pressure in his head, before his body started to move towards the door. He gritted his teeth and bit his tongue, knowing Remy was using his powers to control him.

"Don't worry, it wares off as soon as you've followed his command." Silas patted Maddox on the back. "You should be happy anyway, we are closer to finding the son of a bitch who did this to Av."

"Your father's an ass." Maddox gritted out, as he walked to wherever Roman was.

"Family means everything to him and if his way of showing it means he's an ass, than so be it." The rest of the way to Roman was silent, and deep down Maddox knew what Silas had meant.

"Stop walking so slow. Let's go." Roman yelled from the drivers seat of his car.

Maddox grunted, closing the garage door behind him and Silas, before they got into the car. While on the road, Maddox could finally feel the pressure in his head release as he was freed from Remy's control.

"All we have to do is break in, grab the surveillance tape & then get the hell out of there. Back at home we'll watch the tape with dad, find out who bought the stuff and then confront the guy." Roman informed, before getting out his truck.

Maddox was anxious about watching the tape. What if it was Sebastian or someone Sebastian hired? Maddox didn't want Sebastian to be a part of it. Ava had trusted Sebastian and for him to possible go as far as shooting her in the back with deadly arrows. That was real low, even for the kid.

The boys were in and out of the shop without causing any suspicion, Silas having the tape underneath his shirt. In side the car you could feel the tension and anxiousness rolling off of all three of them. That tiny CD held the identity of Ava's attacker and he better be prepared for the wrath of a pack of wolves.

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