Ch.16 A Kiss Of Honesty

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____Credit goes to @slvrbtrz for the awesome cover!! Thank you so much

Too much of a good thing, won't be good for long.

Although you made my heart sing

To stay with you would be wrong


When you say you love me

Know I love you more

And when you say you need me

Know I need you more

Boy, I adore you


Warm tears were running down her temples, her eyes barely open, as she laid on the hospital bed. "...astian. I ... Sebastian ... I can't Sebastian."

Sebastian rushed forwards to Ava's bed, hands on her face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "I'm here, baby."

Ava could feel her heart breaking, as she wrapped her arms tightly around Sebastian, holding him to her as she cried into his chest. In the midst of the couple hugging, the others left the room leaving them alone. Little did Ava know that Maddox had left too, but not just the room.

"I've got you." Sebastian whispered, rubbing her back in a soothing matter. "Everything is going to be just fine."

Ava could feel herself crying harder, her hands trembling as she held onto Sebastian's shirt. This was why she loved Sebastian; he always tried making things better, he was always there for her and he loved her more than anything. And all those things made it harder for Ava to break his heart.

Sebastian was perfect. He didn't deserve to be the one with his heart broken. Ava was heartbroken too, but not in the same way. She'd have Maddox to pick up the pieces and make her forget there was even a boy named Sebastian. But Sebastian would have nothing but a broken heart, and the knowledge that he never even stood a chance.

Sebastian slowly pulled back, his thumb tracing over Ava's lower lip. His honey brown eyes flickered from her eyes back to her lips. But when he leaned in, Ava turned her head, making his lips press against her cheek.

"Sebastian, please don't." Ava whispered, pulling her legs to her chest.

Sebastian was stunned, afterwards scooting back on the bed and putting distance between them. He ran a hand through his hair, as he realized the seriousness of the situation. Glancing out the small window, Sebastian bit on his lower lip, a lump forming in his throat.  "Was there ever a chance of us being together in the long run?"

Ava sneaked a glance at him, resisting the urge to hug him again. Honesty was the key and breaking up with Sebastian was the only thing on her mind. Her heart called out to her true mate Maddox, and she loved him, but she couldn't string Sebastian on any longer. Everything else that needed sorting could wait.

"Sebastian you're the best boyfriend I've ever had. You're absolutely perfect and the sweetest. There is nothing you could have done different to change the outcome of the situation." Ava confessed.

Was it a good idea to break up with him in a soft way or rather roughly? If it was rough wouldn't it be easier for him to hate her, to get over her and move on?

Sebastian nodded slowly, his lips lifting in a tired smile. His eyes portrayed deep sadness and Ava knew he was holding back the tears, the tears she was failing to fight back too.

"I guess we'll see each other in school? We can still be friends, right?" Sebastian asked quietly.

"Whatever you want." Ava smiled, wiping the tears on her cheeks. "You draw the lines. If you think we can still be friends, then we'll try to make it work. If you rather us be nothing, than I'll understand. It's whatever you want."

Sebastian stood up from the bed, turning to leave before he turned back around, a charming smile on his face. "Ava, kiss me one last time and give me the sweetest goodbye."

Ava laughed lightly, nodding her head, letting Sebastian kiss her one last time. The kiss was held to a minimum, a small peck on the lips shared between friends. Sebastian pulled away, and kissed Ava once more on the forehead. "Thanks for spending the summer with me."

Ava watched her first boyfriend ever, leave the room, before she settled back into the mattress  with a small exhausted sigh. Breaking up with Sebastian was one of the hardest things Ava's ever had to do and even though she wasn't in love with him, she still loved him.

Ava had just a few minutes to herself, before her small hospital room was stormed by her family. They were hovering over her, asking questions, and informing her of the passed two weeks.  It was when Remy checked her marking bite for any sign of infection that reality hit her like a tsunami. She needed to leave. She needed to go and see Maddox.

Convincing her dad it was the right thing to do, he drove Ava to Maddox's house. Ava got out the car, slowly walking up his driveway do to the lack of energy she had from her weakened health. After watching her dad drive away, Ava knocked on the front door nervously. But no one answered.

Maddox's door step is where she would wait and wait some more. It was when rain started to pour down and the sun was long gone, that Ava wondered if Maddox was even coming back. She had been sitting in the heavy pouring rain for nearly an hour when, Maddox's truck pulled up, the lights of his car shining on Ava's shivering form.

Maddox got out of his car, his clothes becoming wet within seconds. Maddox stood inches before Ava, their breath mingling together and becoming visible in the cold weather.Their hands twitched, yearning to touch the other, to grasp on to something to know that it was real. But when Ava looked up at Maddox, her heart fell to her stomach. She knew that look from five years before.

With a surge of energy, Ava leaned up and captured Maddox's lips in a mind numbing kiss. Wrapping her arms around Maddox's neck, she pulled him closer, their body's clinging to one another as the rain pelted down on them. Ava put all her emotions into the kiss, and Maddox responded equally, one of his hands on the back of her neck and the other on her lower back.

"Don't leave me again." Ava whispered, their lips brushing against each other with every spoken word.

Maddox responded by pressing their lips together again, as he deepened the kiss before lifting Ava up and wrapping her legs around his waist. Stumbling up the porch steps, Maddox pressed Ava against the front door, cupping her face gently.

"You're mine, Ava. Tell me you're mine." Maddox breathed against Ava's swollen lips, eyes glowing.

Ava had her hand at the back of Maddox's neck, fingers brushing against his damp hair. Smiling, Ava pulled him even closer, their noses touching. "I'm yours."


Finally Avadox sails!!!

I don't know why everybody was complaining about Ava and Sebastian. They were together for a reason. They shared feelings for each other. You don't date someone for a year and then just go hop on another dude's dick. Ava has feelings that don't revolve around Maddox. And Sebastian never did anything.


What's been your favorite part so far?

What do you think about the breakup between Ava and Sebastian?

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