Ch.8 Kisses

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My eyes widened on their own account before glancing down at his plump, naturally pink lips. My mouth went dry at the thought of kissing him as my palms became sweaty and my heart pounded against my chest. It wasn't like I hadn't kissed him before or didn't want to, it was more the fact of what one kiss from him could lead to. I mean I had to think logically; I was in a nice hotel room, sitting in bed with a shirtless beast, who expected me to kiss him for every answer he gave me. And sense I had a lot of questions to ask, that would mean a lot of kisses. His warm hand on my cheek brought me out of my mental conversation  with myself. I took notice that we were now closer than I thought.

He hadn't said anything but instead looked at me with a playful smirk carved on his face. The way he had his left eyebrow raised made him even better looking than he already was. I let out a small breath before pulling out of his loose grip, the loss of his body heat not going unnoticed by me.

"I don't think that's a good idea Remy." I bit on the inside of my cheek as I referred to his idea of kissing him for each answer.

"Is someone scared they'll enjoy it?" Remy grinned tauntingly, tracing my bottom lip with his thumb.

I resisted the urge to lick my lips and instead closed my eyes tightly. Oh how much I wanted to just  nod and tell him exactly how right he was! I felt like he was awakening a long lost fantasy deep within me. He had me hot and flustered, by just thinking about kissing him.

"Just one kiss." He breathed against my lips, making them tingle in anticipation.

I regretted opening my eyes because when I did, I was met with his mesmerizing glowing blue eyes.  It wasn't fair, he had the amazing eyes that could make any girl's sex clench with need and any straight guy wishing he were gay. My heart was racing within my chest and speeding up with every passing second.

"Did you get all the women in your bed with those killer eyes?" I asked to the most part rhetorically, not able to take my eyes off of his.

"There were never any other women and definitely not in our bed." He stated, the need and lust still present on his face.

I had expected to at least slept with more than three woman, yet if I was understanding this right, Remy was a virgin as was I. He hadn't been sexually intimate with some other girl. I don't know if that's just my opinion but Remy just became way hotter. I bit my lower lip to suppress a grin, that we would be each others firsts.

"Genevieve." He groaned my name so seductively, caressing the left side of my face.

It was as if all caution jumped from my mind when I leaned forward closing the gap between our lips. The warmth of his lips made me forget everything as I reached up to touch him, my hands landing on his hard chest. Under my finger tips I could feel his heart beating faster than it normally did. His rough lips moved against mine, his hands pulling me against his chest. My skin felt on fire wherever  he rubbed and caressed, and the smell of his Armani cologne teased my nostrils.

The kiss became hotter and more passionate as our tongues dance their very own tango. He tasted sweet like watermelon bubble gum, a flavor I  desired at the moment. At some point his hand found the hair tie keeping my hair together, before he took hold of it, letting my hair fall over my shoulders. It was his large hand on my breast and the moan that slipped from my lips, that brought me back to reality.

"This is g-getting out of h-hand." I stuttered as he kissed down my neck'with such determination. I was ready to please him in anyway if it felt this good, yet I knew I didn't want our first time to be seventy-four hours after we met.

"Just one more minute." Remy groaned out, nipping at the sensitive skin just below my ear. I turned my head to the side, giving him better access, while I  mentally scolded my body for giving in to his kisses. Our lips met once again, moving in sync.

As my finger tips traced Remy's jawline, his lips suddenly stopped moving  against mine. When he moved his head away from me, it was enough for me to straighten up and open my eyes. Remy's eyes were pitch black and the veins on his neck looked like they were throbbing. In all honesty, Remy was scaring me, the way he just went from us kissing to him breathing harshly and his facial features swapping between his supernatural form and his human one.

"What's w-" Remy silenced me, with his index finger on my now swollen lips. The look in his eyes told me to listen to him or I'd regret it. Remy was completely still, eyes focused on  the door connecting the room we were in to the lounge. The silence and unknown was killing me. I was more than curious.

Just as I was about to remove his hand from my lips so I could question him, a loud bang was heard that came from the other side of the door. My heartbeat picked up in an instant and I grabbed a hold of Remy's hand. Remy pecked my lips in a comforting manor before staring into my eyes intently. His pupils were dilated and I could feel a type of pushing inside my head. Seconds later I heard his voice in my head.

Genevieve, you need to listen to me. There are three vampires outside that door. I don't know what they want but it's not good if they brought guns.

A silent gasp escaped my lips followed by bullets being shot at the door. The door cracked with each bullet being shot into it.

We have to jump out the window and run. Nothing will happen to you if you just trust me.

I nodded my head before hurrying off the bed and running to Remy, who already stood by the window. He broke the glass with his bare fist then turning to me to grab my hand. The drop was around 22 feet, I couldn't possibly jump out the window knowing I wouldn't survive the fall.

Remy  obviously had other plans. He pulled me to his chest, throwing my legs around his waist afterwards stepping onto the ledge of the window. I clutched his neck in fear of plummeting to the ground.

With  another bullet shot heard, Remy leaped out of the window with me hanging onto him, my fingernails digging into his skin.


Dedication goes to the fantastic @AMXLXO for supporting  this story with votes and comments. It really means a lot to me and you've helped make this story better by just reading it and giving me your honest opinion!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and continue to comment, vote and follow me. I can't belive this story has reached 9k. I'm so excited. Thank you for supporting this story, it trully means a lot!! I'll be dedicating this chapter to a nother reader who supports this story all the way.

Goal for next chapter ; 65 votes and 22 comments!!!

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