Le I'tikaf

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Oh man, haven't updated this in ages. Randomly felt like taking notes of recent experiences at a certain Masjid. I used to love this Masjid, and the first time I was allowed to do even one night of I'tikaf there I was ecstatic. This time however, things have changed. The environment is different, I've matured, and well, I took notice of a lot more things since I spent time there.

Now, I didn't document everything that happened, in fact most things are left out either because they concern something between me and Allah only or because I didn't have time/privacy to write them down unfortunately. I didn't want my whole time to be used on my phone and so it was actually off for a lot of the time. The notes are kind of random and looking over them I realize I wrote some of them assuming that I had mentioned things that I only thought mentally, for instance I didn't point out the continuous times they served beans for suhur/iftar/dinner EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Sidenote some nights it was chickpeas but since they're also known as garbanzo beans I class them as beans as well. Anyways, without further ado, here are my notes from Le I'tikaf:

Day 1: 2:41pm There are no tents. Tried to make a fort type tent from chairs and a sheet. Despite it's childish building, it was decent for a time. Has failed now.

Khalid is annoying. Note to self: AVOID DRUGS AND DRUGGIES AT ALL COSTS.

8:12pm prayed Asr next to Khalid. He was of course behaving strangely in salat. Very irksome. It's now iftar time and I can't access my snacks because of an annoying old man sitting directly behind me for no apparent reason. P.s BEANS SUCK

Day 2: Bread and cheese for suhur again. Beans suck. Hoping not to hear weird and false things after Fajr today. We'll see In Shaa Allah.

4:29Am need to use the bathroom. Bathroom full. No fun

12:43Pm woke up late, people are here. Can't shower now _-_ french bloody toast. They're speaking... Arabic... About... 0_0....idk...

I need to escape (from under my tent) but I can just feel their eyes glaring at me the moment I move. Need help. Need a distraction. Someone do something.

12:57pm adhan being called. I'm in the bathroom to change FINALLY but ugh, people suck.

8:28Pm note to self: two wrongs don't make a right. But a double negative means positive. Lol

Me being me, even in the Masjid I had to correct someone's grammar. So when I heard a brother using a double negative in a question of his I told him double negative means positive. His response? "But two wrongs don't make a right." _-_ lol

8:32Pm i iz not eeteeng zis dinner.

9:23Pm i missed ice cream


Also my watch is magnetized. Darn. Also there's gonna be some event thing sigh. Also there's a guy near my sitting area who keeps talking with his wife. -.- 0_0 he's telling her to claim having 3 yr old baby.... And something about a witness. And i really shouldn't be paying attention. Part of the perfection of one's Islam is for him to leave that which does not concern him. I just wish he didn't lay three feet away from where I'm at then talk on the phone with his wife like a teenager lying in bed -.-

9:27pm saved by the adhaan.

Day 3: getting tired of Kuku's talks ¬.¬

Jum'ah fundraisers are annoying.

7:55pm Khalid is making me wanna punch him. Rayhaan as well. What is wrong with today's youth that they can't read Quran? All four of the youth (14-17) I told to go read Quran were unable to read the Arabic text. Two of them are full Arab and one was half Arab. All four attended some Islamic school at some point. Furthermore they all have at least one parent who speaks Arabic and two of the guys themselves speak Arabic. So what is wrong that they don't know how to read Quran, they don't know how to pray properly nor do they understand a word of their prayer, such that one of them didn't even know what Allahu Akbar means. What disservice has been done by our previous generation? What are the parents doing? School, school, school but no deen? Or they throw them to an Islamic school thinking the teachers will work some magic but then at home the parents don't teach and implement the lessons to reinforce what was learned. So they neither enforce what is taught nor do they lead by example, so how can we be successful?

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