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I COOOOOULD be publishing my book right now but nope, Amazon is being a jerk and so is MS Word and Google Docs.

The issue?

I need to add page numbers to the file. You can't just print a book with over 500 pages and not even number them, people will get lost when they're reading.

BUT, I need page numbers only on the actual story, not the first few pages of the book. Google Docs and Word only let you skip the first page. I need to skip the first 7 pages (copyright page, title page, dedications, etc).

Furthermore, I need the page numbers to be within the margins and nothing is allowing me to adjust them to be there so when I try to use an online editor to insert the page numbers in the manner that I need, they still fall out of boundaries and thus Amazon flips out at me and tells me it can't publish until I fix that error.

But there's no way to even fix it and amazon doesn't include its own pagination tools so I can't rely on them and this is crap because I have been dealing with this all day and it's literally the only thing keeping me from publishing my book right now and I've been at this since before Fajr and it is now 10:35pm and I'm ready to punch Amazon and just ughhhhhhhhhghhh!!!!!

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