Knife To A Gun Fight... Wait what?

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😂 Okay, this isn't funny... but it is  lol.

So this is in the news here but I don't have the time or patience to type out the paper article word by word right now.

Anyways, okay so these two drivers were about to get on the freeway and the guy in the front car, let's name him Bob, so Bob is being lame and Tom (other guy) gets upset so road rage ensues between them both.

Well, Bob is super mad, so he PULLS OUT A GUN and shoots into Tom's car (keep in kind Tom is behind him).

Well, Tom, WITH A GUNSHOT WOUND, gets out of his car. Bob gets out too and they're about to fight. But uh oh, Bob is armed. Not just with the gun, but a knife too. Tom has nothing...

Nothing but these hands!

He snatched Bob's knife out of his hand and stabbed him for revenge, and then the cops came and got them and after being in the hospital they're obviously facing charges.

But this is literally 3 mins away from where I am sitting right now. We drove through the scene tonight. Crazy, right?

But wow. Tom is like...what the? Getting shot and then snatching the knife to stab for revenge. Lol.

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