Smart Kid

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Okay so this totally didn't fit in The Daily Sigh, so I'm sharing it here along with a question of my own at the end. Enjoy and don't forget to watch the video above.

11-year-old invents brilliant device to stop kids from dying in hot car after neighbor’s death

July 7, 2017

With summer in full swing, the temperatures outside are getting dangerously high. And with that come news risks that we all need to be aware of to protect ourselves and our loved ones. By now, we all know about how heat can affect drivers and passengers who stay inside a hot car for too long.

With people – particularly children – having lost their lives due to vehicular heat stroke, any kind of preventive measure is welcomed. Most deaths among children occurred because the child was left in the car by a loving parent who was unware of the risk he or she was submitting the child to.
It happens more often than you think, so it’s important to look for solutions. And talking about solutions, one eleven-year-old boy from McKinney, Texas has already designed a prototype meant to prevent future heatstroke deaths from happening.

The device he invented is called Oasis and it works by being placed on the headrest of the car seat. The device monitors the temperature inside the car, and it can even determine if the vehicle has stopped moving. More importantly, it keeps track of whether there is a child in the car seat or not.
The boy thought of this idea after having heard about a six-month-old who had sadly lost his life after being left in a hot car for several hours. The boy was so touched by this unfortunate event that he decided to come up with a solution himself.

You can learn more about Oasis by watching the video above. It's more detailed .

So 1)props to this kid for everything. His concerns and his inventiveness. And then props to his dad for taking him seriously and setting things in motion to make this a reality. Like, when they say kids are the future, it makes me glad to know there are young minds like this who actually come up with good inventions to help make the world a better place. This was not the responsibility of a child, and yet, he's putting forth a solution to help save lives at a time when deaths from these horrible incidents are on the rise. I can't speak for elsewhere in the world, but here in America if you turn on the news or read online or even in the papers, you see all too often another headline about someone's baby or toddler dying because they were left in the car in triple digit heat (we're on Fahrenheit over here.... for the rest of you people it's temperatures above 40 C). So this kid brought something right when it was needed. Good on him.

2) Onto my question, have YOU ever thought up an invention as a kid that you wish you'd made? What was it and what inspired you? This doesn't have to be about some fantastical life-changing machine or anything, so don't worry if your idea seems small or whatever. I just want to hear about what sort of creativity you all had in mind as children or even now tbh. We're still the youth so....

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