That Time My Brother Almost Ended Up In A Forced Marriage

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So, I don't know if anyone else saw it but there was an incident being reported in a few places in which a man in India was kidnapped and almost forced to marry a random stranger at gunpoint and there's video of him crying loudly while the family are basically taunting him and telling him it's only a wedding or something. I'm going to post an article about it on The Daily Sigh, don't worry.

Anyways, I was talking about it to some of my friends and one of them gave the immature answer you'd expect from an immature dude. "Was she ugly or something? Otherwise, that doesn't seem like a big deal to be crying over."

Never mind the injustice and oppression (just like when it happens to countless women daily in various places, and then teenage dweebs get online and glorify it in 'romantic' abuse stories that they have the gall to call Islamic...). Never mind the fact that his life was being threatened or that he was literally kidnapped and told he must marry this lady he doesn't know. Never mind all that, dude, you envy him right?

Blah. Anyways, excuse my boneheaded friend, I've already reprimanded him in real life but still just...

Anyways..again... lol. So when I was lecturing my friend about the seriousness of the whole thing, it reminded me about something. I have a true story I need to share with all of you here. Now, I wrote it with a bit of comical wording, but I assure you it is 100% true. The incidents described below actually happened in my life. The exact quotes aren't 100% accurate but only because I was a little little kid back then, so of course I'm not going to remember every word exactly correct. However, the one statement I could swear and testify on, I will make it bold because there is no doubt at all about it. With that said, enjoy yet another crazy story from my childhood:

Once upon a time, there were three little, Muslim boys. One tall, one chubby, and the youngest who was crafty, creative, and cool.

One night, the trio of brothers were at their local Masjid, with the older two having just finished their Quran class. The parents of the boys were engaged in tedious adult talk with their friends, and so as the time passed, the boys waited in the parking lot. Abdullah, the youngest brother, was skillfully practicing his balancing act along the border wall of a small piece of building. "Umayr" and "Tahir," the older two, were nearby, when suddenly they were accosted by a duo of sinister sisters.

These girls were older than all three of the boys, and yet they seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with the middle brother, Tahir. Naturally, being of innocence and bearing no feelings of attraction towards the gruesome and rather masculine faces of these older girls, Tahir ignored their advances. This night, however, they had grown tired of his rejections, and had come to offer an ultimatum.

"You will marry me," said one girl to the chubby boy.

"I shall do no such thing," replied he, defiantly. 

"Then you will marry me!" argued other the sister.

"I will not-" he began to reply before being cut off by the older girl.

"I will make you. I'm going to put a gun to your head and if you don't marry me then you'd better marry my sister, or else I will kill you."

The night stood still. The moon grew dim. With faces as dark as the ominous sky above, the psychotic sisters watched their victim squirm in panic. They were already uncomfortably close to him; what if they had touched him or taken him away?

Alas, with time, all was ended and the boys were rescued by their parents. But the threat from the girls echoed out once more. When he grew up, Tahir would have to choose to marry one of the unsightly sisters, or face death.

And then came a time rare in the household of the brothers' family. A gathering had been called, a party of women to the exclusion of men. Alas, as none of the three boys were nearly old enough to even be considered young men, they were not exempt from being present in their home that evening. They were excited at first, a party seemed fun. That excitement, however, became dread, as three words pierced their minds.

Aisha. And. Rasheedah.

Those ghastly girls from the Masjid were to be among the guests invited! They would find their sanctuary!  They could have their way with poor, innocent Tahir! They may even snatch up Umayr so that both girls would have someone to marry! 

"We must hide," Umayr declared, assigning himself the role of leadership. "If we stay in our room they won't see us."

"But what if they come in here?" Tahir queried, shaken and afraid.

"Let me build a trap," Abdullah bravely volunteered. "I will use these heavy wooden planks and set them up so that if those monsters open our door, the planks will clunk them in the head!"

"No, we'll get in trouble," Umayr said. "Let's just all hide under the beds."

And so, as decided, the three brothers hid under their beds from the horror of the menacing maidens. That night, rather than enjoying fine food, delicious desserts, and cold juice, the boys spent hours in the dark, without lights in a stuffy room under two beds. Abdullah and Umayr were hidden under their bunkbed set. Tahir hid under his own bed across the room. 

A few times in the night aunts and guests peeked into the room but the boys remained silent. And the dreaded duo even popped their heads in once or twice, but the boys remained determinedly silent. The night passed without event, thankfully, and the boys were safe...

Many years passed, and Tahir was still haunted by the event. News came one day concerning the fate of the two sisters. Both had fallen further into darkness, with one turning to crime and thuggish brutality on male victims, ending up in jail or prison at some point; the other illegitimately pregnant, possibly multiple times. Drugs were also purported to be in the equation.

Abdullah, for his part, was not surprised to hear this news at all. And though he knew not which sister became the gangster, if not both, he knew with certainty that it had to be the ugly one. Dear God, they were both so ugly. So very, very, ugly.

The end.

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