Should I be stressed?
No, but I am.
"You'll be okay" Jill reassures me for the fifth time this minute. "I know" she gives me a small smile and I grab my backpack and suitcase and take a deep breath.
It's just school.
I've done it before...
But this is University and I'm here to play basketball.
"Thank you for everything" I give her a hug then Matt joins us. "We'll miss you kiddo" I smile and hug them tighter then let go of them and we do our handshake.
"Kate will be there when you land to help you move in and such" I nod my head and thank her once again. "Bye Sadie" Kennedy pulls me into a hug. "My turn" Trevor pushes her away and hugs me. "We'll miss you"
I didn't know what to say because I never really gotten love and affection in my life. "Yeah" I awkwardly pushed his shoulder then cleared my throat.
It's been a year that this family fostered me and adopted me and I'm still a little awkward around them sometimes. "Flight to Connecticut, now boarding" the lady on the speaker said and I take a deep breath.
"I'll see you guys soon" I wave goodbye at them and make my way to the gate. I look back and see Trevor waving at me all dramatic. I awkwardly wave back at him and walk to the plane.
I actually hate going on planes even though I've been on many planes before this whole adoption thing. I would be travelling like every month and it was annoying.
I find my seat and settle down. I put my backpack under the seat and my suitcase up in that area then sit down and look outside the window. "At least I have a window seat" I mumble to myself and sigh.
I take my phone out and my airpods out, and start listening to music to calm my nerves down a little. I shut my eyes and relaxed a little until I could feel some movement next to me.
I open my eyes and see a girl about my age siting down next to me and giving me a small smile. "Hey" she says and shoves her bag under her seat as I take one of my airpods out so that I can listen to her if she's going to talk to me again. "Hi" I answer back.
"First time on a plane?" She asks and I shake my head. "Really? You look a little stressed" I give her a small smile. "It's okay though. This is my first time and I'm a little nervous" so she's a talker? Great.
"I'm Morgan by the way" she extends her hand and I shake it and she smiles at me. "Sadie" she scans my face and squints her eyes. "Where you off too?" She then asks. Is this going to be the whole flight? "I'm going to Connecticut" I answer her.
"Same. I'm going there for school though" and here I thought I'd never see her again. "Cool" I nods her head and she goes and starts playing on her phone.
15 minutes later, we're off.
It was peaceful for about 20 minutes until Morgan started talking again. "What's your favourite sport?" She asks and I mentally groan but give her a smile so it doesn't seem like she's annoying me which she isn't...
"Basketball" she gasps making the people next to us give us some side eyes before going back to their show. "Me too! Do you have any siblings?" she asks and I wanted to punch her or something. She talks way too much. "Um yeah I guess?"
I think she got the hint and started minding her own business and I thanked her for that. I was so tired since I woke up at 4 am to get on the flight so I took a small nap.
"We can both wear braids tomorrow for our game if you want" my best friend, Gianna" says from her bed. "Sounds like a plan to me" she smiles at me and I get up from my spot and join her in her bed.

FanfictionSadie gets invited to play for Uconn while her older sister, Kate, plays for Iowa. No one knows about Sadie's whole family history and she would like to keep it that way. What happens when her best friend dies right before a practice? What happens...