Welcome to Uconn

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"So all of your things are already here because your parents came by earlier to set it all up" Caroline explains to me and I nod my head following her to the dorms. "This is the east wing where most of the freshman stay" Interesting.

"This is your dorm" she knocks on the door and Kate and I wait patiently for whoever that's inside opens the door. "Your roommate is really nice and I'm sure you two will get along" Caroline adds and I look up at Kate and she gives me a reassuring smile.

I then hear the door open and my jaw drops. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I say and Kate nudges me telling me to shut up. "Oh hey Sadie" Morgan smiles at me and opens the door wider for us to walk in.

"Welcome to your home for the next few years" Morgan says with a huge smile and we walk in even further. "Your room is the right one" Morgan tells she and I thank her and Kate follows me into my new room.

"Looks nice" Kate says stepping in and looking at the decoration around my new room. "I left you a schedule on your desk and a map if you need it" Caroline speaks and points to my desk where the papers are.

"I should get going. Have more students to guide. See you at practice tomorrow?" Caroline asks Morgan who was now by the door of my room. "See ya then" they do a little hug making me gag on the inside before Caroline leaves.

"Guys! I got the fo- Oh shit. Looks nice" Gabbie says walking in with food in her hands and she looks around. "Where's the other two?" Kate asks looking behind Gabbie and Morgan seeing if they were in the other room.

"They went to troll some kids" of course they did. "It's not like our schools are rivals or anything" Kate mumbles and I shrug. "There's food and drinks in the fridge. Feel free to grab whatever" Morgan says before leaving us be and goes to her own room.

Martin Family

Did you settled in yet?????

K $ Martin
Yeah she's just putting her extra
clothes away

Send us pics!!!

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Sadie Okay*Photo attachment*

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Love it!
It's so you

Thank you Jill for decorating
my room

It's my pleasure 🥰

Love the room

"You'll be okay right?" Kate asks sitting on my bed and looking around my new room. "Always" she gives me a small smile and gets up and walks up to me. She places her hands on my shoulder.

"You'll do just fine here, I promise" I nod my head and she continues her little speech. "You've come a long way and I'm happy for you. I really am" she pulls me into one of her amazing hugs and I melt into it. Her hugs are always the best.

SadieWhere stories live. Discover now