Sadie gets invited to play for Uconn while her older sister, Kate, plays for Iowa.
No one knows about Sadie's whole family history and she would like to keep it that way.
What happens when her best friend dies right before a practice?
What happens...
I woke up this morning and got ready for the first day of classes. I don't eat breakfast so I took a shower, got dressed and walked out the door. Morgan was still sleeping since she had later classes.
I make my way to my first class to just to see a note on the door saying that class in canceled because we have lectures instead. "Fuck sakes" I mumble and decided to walk to my other classes to see if theres another note.
So didn't know that all of my classes for today were going to be canceled so I got up this early for nothing. "Sadie?" I hear Nika say behind me. "Hey" I turn around and smile at her. "Class got cancelled?" she ask walking to me and I nod my head. "Same. Wanna grab breakfast?"
We walk to her car and she drives us to the little cafe. "I discovered this cafe when I got here" she says getting out of the car and I do the same thing. "It's more on the low side but the food here is really good" she opens the door for us and I walk in.
I look around the little cafe and I already love it. "It's cute" I tell Nika and she agrees with me. We grab a table and we look at the menu. "The French toast here is the best thing I swear" she shows me the French toast on the menu and theres a photo and it does actually look good. "I'll get that then"
We order our food and it didn't take long. I take a photo of the food and send it to the family group chat.
Martin Family
Sadie *Photoattachement*
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Sadie Got breakfast with Nika this morning
Jill Ohhhhh that looks amazing
Matt Do you not have classes today?
Sadie No they got cancelled because of lectures or something
Trev I literally tried making French toast this morning but didn't end well
Kenny He almost burnt the whole kitchen
Sadie 💀
"So where are you from?" I ask Nika before I take a bit of my food. "I'm from Zagreb" I raise an eyebrow not knowing where the hell that is. "It's in Croatia" that makes sense. I could hear the accent but I had no idea where it was from. "You got any siblings?"
"Yeah. A younger sister. Her name is Hana" the way she said 'Hana' was interesting. Like it wasn't the normal 'Hannah' but she had an accent to it. It was cool. I love her accent. "What about you?" she asks.
Do I tell her about my biological sibling...? No. She's irrelevant to my life.
"I have two older sisters and a brother" she nods her head and takes a bite of her food. "Do they also play basketball?" I nod my head. "Ish. Kate plays for her university school, Kennedy used to play but she stopped to focus on school or something and Trevor plays football"