Savage Sadie

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Here I am.

Chilling in the break room with the team, playing pool with Morgan, Nika and Ice. "Okay so you just have to get this one in and we're in" Morgan tells me and I nod my head and hit the ball and it goes in.

"You did it" Morgan whispers. "You did it!" she shouts a little louder this time making Ice and Nika cover her ears. "You did it! Guys she did it! WE WON!" I make a face and also cover my ears.

"Yo why is the rookie yelling?" Paige ask from the couch where she's playing  Fortnite with KK. Morgan high fives me and I make my way next to Paige. "Can I play after?" I ask her. "Yeah sure. You can play winner" I nod my head and watch them play.

I could feel eyes on me and I look over and see Qadence quickly looking at me. I caught her several times and every time I do, she makes herself think she's pretty. Why is she always looking at me? Is she like obsessed with me or something?

"Why do you think you're so pretty?" I ask Qadence out of the blue making some people look my way. "People tell me I am and I believe it" she says and I see Morgan telling me to shut up because she knows what I'm going to say. "Well, there's a lot of liars these days" her jaw drops and I smirk and focus back to the tv.

"Okay then Marin. Rate yourself from 1 to 10" Qadence says leaning in closer to me making me ick. "I rate myself like a 6" I tell her. "Nah you're a 9 but Morgan would think you're a 10" Ice says and I look at her weirdly. "Okay? What about you Samuels"

"An 8" I look at Ice and we both laugh. "You're not gods work" Ice mumbles making everyone laugh. "Haha. Laugh all you want" Qadence says and crosses her arms. "Guys. Everyone here is beautiful in their own ways" Azzi announces and we all agree.

I sigh and agree with her but mentally I don't. I mean that everyone is beautiful in their own but Qadence!? Please. She's so rude. I then feel my phone buzz so I reach for it and check it.


Wanna go and get some food in the

Azzi Fudge
Sorry about Q. You're prettier than her
but don't tell her I said that 😉

K $ Martin
Did you take my Iowa hoodie and my Cartier bracelet?

Now who should I answer to?

"Morgan and I are going to the cafeteria" I announce getting up and puling Morgan away with me. "You sure it's only that?" I hear Ice mumble. "Yes" Morgan and I both tell her. "Can you bring me back some Trü Frü?" Paige ask and I look at her. "What is that?" she set her controller down and puts her head in her hands with a sigh.

"How do you not know what Trü Frü is?" KK ask all shocked. "We'll find some" Morgan says and opens the door for me and in thank her and we start walking around the school looking for the cafeteria. "Are you sure you know where you're going?" Morgan asks me as she looks around. I sigh for the fifth time this minute because of all her damn questions.

I reach the place I wanted to be and point to the name plate. "Oh no, what does that say?" I dramatically ask Morgan. "Cafeteria?" she reads out. "Exactly" I open the door for her and she walks in and I follow. "Do you really think there's Trü Frü here? It seems like its something you'd find at a grocery store"

"I guess they'll have to get it themselves then" I tell her and grab an apple and toss it to Morgan and I grab some more snacks before leaving and heading back to the group. Morgan open the door for me and we see all the girls circling around Paige. "Okay good you're back" Allie said since she was the first one to realize we're back. "Come. Paige was just telling us about our upcoming tournament in Seattle"

Of course it had to be in Seattle.

"We're leaving Friday night" which is in two days... "We're playing against Xavier, South Caroline, LSU and Tennessee. It's going to be a small tournament" Paige explains to everyone. "Check if coach already did the rooms or we get to decide" Aubrey nudges Paige. "Hold on"

I hope we get to decide who we share rooms with. Leaves me a better chance to not be with Morgan or Qadence. Don't get me wrong, I love Morgan as a friend but sometime I feel like- "Coach already chose our rooms"

"Are you fucking with me right now?" I say out loud making them all turn to me. "Sorry. I was just thinking of something my sister told me" I nervously laugh. "Nice one" Morgan whispers to me and I gently elbow her. "Who wants to know who's sleeping with who?" Azzi asks and grabs Paige's phone from her hand. Everyone raises their hands and she started reading the list off.

"Ice and Jana

"KK and Sarah"

"Caroline and Ashlynn"

I groan listening to the long ass list until i heard my name. "And Morgan and Sadie" I shut my eyes and mentally kill myself. "Any questions?" Paige ask looking at each and every one of us.

"Yeah. Why did coach only sent you the email?" Qadence asks and Paige just looks at her with a blank stare. "Alright, see y'all tomorrow" she says completely ignoring Qadence's question. I tried not to laugh and I wish her a good night and notice that Azzi followed her but I didn't say anything since everyone else was busy doing other things.

After another 15 minutes, Morgan and I decided to go up to our dorm to get ready for bed. "I still have that homework to do for our class" I tell Morgan as we walk in our dorm. "Oh. You need help?" I think of the pros and cons for a second. "Yeah sure. Meet me in my room"

I go to my room and grab my laptop and get ready. Morgan soon comes in my room with her pyjama on and makes herself comfortable on my bed. "Let's start"


So Sadie somehow fell asleep on me halfway through her essay. I sigh and grab her laptop and quickly finish her essay for her and sent it in. I know I shouldn't have done it but I'm her friend and she's dead asleep and doesn't seem to be waking up any time soon.

After I sent it in, I set her laptop aside and charge it so it's good for tomorrow. I then tried moving away but that only made Sadie wrap her arms around my waist. I sigh and look down at her. I'm definitely not complaining but I feel like if she finds out what she did, then she won't talk to me for a while or ignore that it happened.

I sigh and decide to stay the night so I carefully made myself comfortable and fell asleep. I kept my hands to myself just in case she wakes up like this and freaks the fuck out.

What am I doing with my life?

When I woke up the next morning, she wasn't there. Her laptop wasn't there, her backpack wasn't there and her school stuff was gone but there was a little note on the bedside table telling me that she left for class and that she'll see me later.

I might be falling her for her even more now.

Fuck my life.

SadieWhere stories live. Discover now