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Sasha's pov
Today I had to do the stupid Romeo and Juliet thing with Nina. Don't get me wrong Nina is very nice and pretty but not even close to my Emma. I don't want our relationship to be bad because of this stupid project. I go into class and see a seat next to Emma. I start walking over to it but Nina stops in front of me.
"Hey Nina" I said.
"Hey handsome, come sit with me"
Before I could say anything I'm getting pulled over to where Nina was sitting. I sat down and she sat on my leg. I scooted over so she's not on me.
"Why'd you scoot over"
"Because you were on top of me"
"Yeah I know but why was that uncomfortable"
"Because I have a girlfriend" I say.
"Who? That stupid Emma girl. She has nothing on me"
"No shes way better than you"
"Ok class so let's get started with our Romeo and Juliet projects. I think that Nina and Sasha were up next so you two come on up"
"We go up there and she holds my hands"
We say our lines up to the kiss.
"Ok go on" Mr. Dillard says. I barely lean in not wanting the kiss. I feel her arms wrap around my neck and her lips slam into mine. She starts making out with me.
"Holy shit" I hear Val say. We parted and people slowly clapped for us. I look over to where Emma was sitting she looked like she was about to break into tears. I walk over to her and she runs out of the room. I go to follow her but Nina puts her hand on my chest stopping me.
"Let her go. You now have me" she said. I moved her hand off me and I ran out of the room. I ran down the halls screaming her name. I pass the girls bathroom and I hear quiet sobs through the door. I knock on it lightly.
"Emma babe" I say lightly.
"Leave me alone Sasha"
"Babe can you please let me in"
"No. I told you to leave me alone"
"Please sweetie I need to talk to you"
I didn't care about her answer so I barged in. She was sitting on the ground crying. I go over and sit next to her.
"I told you to not come in"
"Yeah I really needed to talk to you. Emma baby you know I would never cheat on you. You had a terrible view of that whole thing. I wasn't even kissing her back. I don't even like her as a person. You know why?"
"Why" she asked.
"Because she said she was better than you and I know that isn't true. Babe I love you to death and I don't want anyone breaking us apart"
"Ok I'm sorry I freaked out" she said. I give her a soft kiss and help her up. She looks in the mirror.
"Oh my gosh I look terrible"
"No you look gorgeous"
"Have you seen me. My mascara is running down my face"
"You still look perfect to me" I said. We hear the bell ring telling us it's time for our next class. Luckily that was study hall for us so we usually just chill in the library. The door opens and the girls come in.
"Oh god em, your makeup"
"I know it's terrible" Emma said.
"Sasha this is the girls restroom, get out" Witney said.
"God ok sassy" I say leaving. The guys were all standing outside of the door.
"How'd that go"
"It was fine, I explained that I didn't kiss her back and she said sorry for over reacting"
"Well that's good cause I was thinking road trip" Maks says.
"When?" mark asked.
"Spring break. I was thinking we could go to Miami for a week"
"Yeah that would be awesome" Val said.
"Ok so let's tell the girls" I say. The girls all came out and we walked to the library together. We sat at a big table and started talking and playing games on our phones.
"So spring break I was thinking we could all go to Miami beach and party"
"Yeah that sounds awesome" Witney says.
"How are we getting there"
"I have an RV we can use" Mark says.
"Ok" they all say.
"Cool so I was thinking we leave the first day out after school. We could all meet at Marks house"
"That's not gonna work" Mark says.
"What's wrong"
"My parents say they don't want all of us over at the same time with both parents there"
"Okay so we meet at my place" Witney says.
"Cool" I say.
It was only 3 weeks and we would be in Miami partying.

Oh a spring break chapter! That's coming soon so stay tuned! Should I make the main couples Mark and Witney, Val and Jenna. Or should I be putting more Maks and Peta, Sasha and Emma? Tell me in the comments!

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