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Sasha's pov
I was in the car with her. She wasn't supposed to get hurt. I should be in there with her. I should be in a hospital bed fighting for my life. This isn't fair I was driving the car, I should get a punishment for this. I feel two arms wrap around me. Witney is holding me.
"Go ahead let it out" she said. I start crying in her shoulder. She just holds me and makes me feel better.
"Your your hugs remind me of Emma's" I said starting to cry again. She holds me again.
"Then I'll be your half Emma till she's better. Just no making out with me"
"Really wit you don't need to do that"
"No I want to, your gonna need somebody when your sad. I'd rather have it be me, than someone who might actually try and get with you"
"Yeah you have a point"
She takes me to a chair and we sit down. She keeps her arm around me.
"Thank you Witney"
"Of course what are friends for"
"Emma Slater" a doctor said. I run out of Witney's arms and go up to the doctor.
"Yes yes yes yes, is she ok" I ask. Everybody else crowds around us.
"She broke her arm, and twisted her ankle pretty badly. There was a little internal bleeding but we fixed it fast, and she got a concussion from hitting the side of the car."
"Is she awake"
"Not yet but by tomorrow she can go home. Now where are her parents"
"Their out of town for the next 2 weeks"
"Any grandparents"
"Not that live close"
"Only child"
"Ok who's gonna take her home"
"I will" I say.
"Who are you"
"Sasha Faber, boyfriend"
"Ok whatever. You need to sign some papers"
I follow the guy into a room and sign papers. I show him my drivers license. I go back out and tell them we can come back tomorrow at 3 to see her.
The next day
Emma's pov
I woke up in an uncomfortable bed and dark room.
"Help I scream"
A doctor comes in.
"Where am I" I ask.
"Your in the hospital you got in a car accident with your boyfriend, Sasha"
"Oh my gosh is he ok"
"Yes he came out with nothing wrong. You on the other hand"
"What happened to me"
"You broke your arm, twisted your ankle and had a little internal bleeding"
I look at my arm and see a cast on it. My ankle had a wrap around it. My side was kinda hurting too.
"Where are my friends"
"I guess at their homes"
"Can you call them"
"They will be here in little time, we said 3 and it's already 2:50"
"ok thank you" I said then she leaved. I hear some people walking down the hall I really hope it's my friends. They all come into the room and surround me.
"Em are you ok"
"Yeah my arm and side kind of hurt but I'm ok"
"Good, we missed you"
"How long was I out"
"Only for like a night but still"
"I missed you guys too. Where's Sasha"
"He's nervous to see you"
"He feels bad about what he did to you"
"It's ok go get him"
Witney leaves the room. I hear her talking to him in the hall. He walks in and I sit myself up.
"Sasha I missed you so much" I say holding out my arms for him. He comes up to me and gives me the hug tightly.
"I'm so sorry I hurt you Em"
"It doesn't hurt that bad honestly"
"I love you Emma"
"I love you too"
I kiss her cheek gently.

Next chapter will also be the last! Don't worry though the new book will be up super soon!

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