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Peta's pov
Today me and Maks are graduating. It's sad I'm going to New York for school and he's going to Florida. I'm gonna miss seeing him everyday. This is our last summer together so we decided to make it extra special. I'm at my house getting ready for graduation, it starts in an hour. I put my white cap and gown on. At least I'll be sitting next to Maks. I get in my car and drive to the school. I park the car at the football field and go in. I take my seat next to Maks.
"I'm gonna miss you" he says to me.
"We still have the entire summer babe"
"I know but it's gonna go by too fast"
"Well we just have to make the most of our time" I say. He sighs.
"Where is everyone sitting"
He points over to them and they all wave. I wave back at them.
"I'm gonna miss hearing you and Val fight all the time"
"I'm gonna miss waking up to you on the weekends"
"Ugh this is worse than I thought"
Music starts playing and we all stand up. Maks grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly.
We were at the part to get our diplomas.
"Maksim Chmerkovskiy"
He walks up on stage and the principal gives him his diploma.
"Peta Murgatroyd"
I go up on stage and get mine. I start to walk off stage and Maks is waiting there for me. I run into his arms and he picks me up. He gives me a passionate kiss and sets me down. We walk hand in hand back to our seats. We all throw out caps up in the air and catch them on the way down. I wrap my arms around Maks and kiss him.
"Hey there are kids here" I hear someone say behind us. I run up to Val and give him a hug.
"Brother I always wanted" I say in his arms. I give a big hug to Jenna. Witney and Emma wrap their arms around us to make a group hug.
"I'm gonna miss you P" Emma said.
"I'm gonna miss you too"
I've been best friends with Emma since day one. We live next door and we always just had that connection. I give the guys a hug also.
"We can go out to dinner, on me" Val says.
"Yah" we all say excited.
"That's my man being such a gentleman" Jenna said putting her hand on Val's shoulder.
"Why wouldn't I" he said dipping her down. They kissed and came back up.
"Ok everyone lets go eat and just follow me I know where I'm going" Val says. Everyone walks to their cars. We all follow Val and Jenna to the restaurant. It looked really nice from the outside.
"How many"
"8" Maks says.
Sasha's pov
We go to our table and sit next to our girls.
"What can I get you all to drink" the waitress asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
"And for you" she asked me. She started rubbing my arm.
"I'll just have water" I say.
"Ok handsome" she said to me and then walked away. The girl had to be at least 24. She had light brown hair and green eyes.
"Um that was weird" I say.
"That girl was totally into you bro" Mark said.
"Yeah but I'm not into her"
"Why she's hot" Mark said. Witney slapped that back of his head.
"Your hotter, like the hottest...yep you're the hottest girl ever"
She rolled her eyes at him. The waitress came back out and I put my arm around Emma. I wanted her to think that we were dating so she would stop flirting with me.
"Here's that water for you" she said. As she was bring it over she spilt some on Emma.
"Oops didn't see ya there"
Emma grabs her napkin and starts dabbing at it. I take it from her hand and do it for her. I run my hand up her thigh.
"Sasha stop" Emma said quietly to me. I keep doing it. She hits my hand and I take it back.
"God Sasha when a girl says stop she means stop" Val said. I kiss Emma's head.
"Sorry babe" I whisper in her ear.
"It's ok, I know why"
"Then can I keep doing it"
"Yeah but I want to play too" she says smirking. I look over at the guys, their all giving me a thumbs up.
"Of course my lady" I say. The waitress comes out with our appetizer. Emma scoots her chair closer to mine so their touching. I wrap my arm around her.
"I'm excuse me but the chairs are in those stops for a reason"
"Then why aren't they screwed to the ground" Emma said back sassy. She walked away.
"Damn sassy Emma is hot" Witney said.
"Tell me about it" I say in awe of Emma. She snaps her fingers in front of me and I come out of my trance. I lean in to kiss her and she slams her lips into mine hard. I try to get my tongue in her mouth and she lets me. This would be the first time she let me do that.
"Holy shit Sasha ease up tiger" Maks said. I break our kiss and look over at him.
"Your one to talk" I say back.
"Ohh burn" Jenna said. Val put his arm around her. The waitress came back out with our food. Emma grabbed my face and started making out with me. We parted after a couple seconds.
"I love you Em"
"I love you more sash"
The waitress had Emma's plate.
"It's hot so be careful" she said then let it fall into Emma's lap. Everyone had shocked looks on their face. She pushed it off her lap and onto the floor. She runs to the bathroom.
"What the hell is wrong with you" I ask the girl.
"I think your hot and that girl needed to get out of my way" she said started to rub my chest.
"No you needed to get out of her way, she's my girlfriend and I only love her no one else" I say pushing her hands off me.
"Your lose little boy" she says. I run to the girls restroom. I knock on the door lightly.
"Em let me in"
She opens the door slowly. I go in and she is crying. I wrap my arms around her.
"I told that girl that she needed to back off"
"She was an ass"
"I know that's why I told her that"
She kept crying in my shoulder.
"Your gorgeous Em....there's no one in this world that can take me away from you or make me not love you" I whisper in her ear. She looked at me with puffy eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. I wipe her cheeks off with my thumbs. I kiss her gently, letting her know how much I love her. She washed her face off and dried it. She didn't have any make up on anymore, but she still looked perfect.
"You're beautiful" I say picking her up. I carry her out of the bathroom and go back to our table. No one was there, I carry her outside. Everyone was sitting on the bench waiting for us.
"Hey" I say.
"Hey are you ok Em" Peta asked.
"Yeah I'm ok" she said keeping her head buried in my chest.
"Let's go back to my place and watch a movie" Mark says.
"Yeah that's a good idea" Witney adds. We all go to our car and I help Emma get into mine. We all drive to Marks place. I pick up Emma again once we get there. I carry her downstairs to the movie room.
Witney's pov
"Horror, horror" Val chanted.
"Shut the hell up" me and Peta scream at the same time. He puts his hands up in a surrender poise.
"So movie choices" Mark asked.
"Romantic" the girls all said at the same time.
"Hell no, Mark don't you dare get a romantic movie out" Val said.
"Sorry Val, if my girl wants romantic then hell she'll get it"
"Thank you babe" I say happily. Mark comes back over to me and sits down. He slides me onto his lap. Val was flicking him off.
"Shut up you would do the same thing for Jenna"
"No I wouldn't. If I wanted to watch a horror movie then I would watch it"
Jenna gave him a look.
"I-I was just kidding baby you know I let you pick" he said scared. She kissed his cheek and laid on him. I laid back on Mark and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much my girl"
"I love you so much more"
"No way, there's no way you love me more than I love you"
"Yes there is"
"You two make me sick" Val says. Jenna hits him.
"You two are adorable, be a cute couple Val won't bother you anymore" Jenna said giving him a look.
Jenna's pov
After the movie was over I went to Val's house. He opened the front door for me. His family was sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Hi Jenna"
"Hi" I say back smiling.
"We're going up to my room" Val says.
"Keep the door open this time"
"Ok momma" he said kissing her cheek. We went upstairs and he closed his door.
"Your mom said not to close your door"
"Yeah I heard her" he said. He gets me on his bed and lays me down. He starts kissing me. He slides his tongue in my mouth. He breaks the kiss and takes his shirt and starts to pull mine up.
"Um Val can we just talk for a minute"
"Yeah sure" he said getting off me. He sits me up.
"So what's going on in that beautiful head of yours"
"Um why were you against Mark and wit today because their always like that"
"Well I don't think I wasn't in a very loving mood"
"I don't want to talk about it"
"No what's got you in this terrible, sassy, unloving mood"
"It's just my brother is leaving and I'm gonna miss him"
"Awe Val your being grumpy because your gonna miss Maks"
"Yeah" he said looking down. I pick him head up.
"That's sweet"
"Thats embarrassing, what am I gonna do next year on the first day. If I get in a fight he was the one to break it up. What if I get in a fight"
"Mark or Sasha will break it up"
"Do you really think that they could pull me off a guy"
"Val it's gonna be fine and you shouldn't even be getting in a fight"
"I guess you have a point"
"Your fine you might not have your brother but you have me...and Mark and Sasha and Witney and-"
"I get ya babe. Now can we go back to what we were doing"
"With your parents downstairs, that didn't work well for us last time"
"We'll just make out not do anything else"
"Promise Val"
"Pinkie" he said holding out his pinkie. I wrap mine around his. He tackles me down on the bed and starts kissing me again. His hands were moving up and down my body. He stops them at my butt and holds it firmly. I break the kiss.
"Really just because-" he said before I cut in on him.
"You know I don't want you too"
"Ugh Jenna its my favorite curve of your body. It's the greatest one I've ever seen"
"Your so weird" I say then grab the back of his neck and push his lips into mine. I bite his bottom lip gently. He lets out a deep moan. 
"Shhh" I say in his mouth.
"Sorry babe" he mumbled against my lips. He kissed me roughly. I hear my phone ringing and feel it in my back pocket. Val grabs it's out of my pocket and answers it.
"Sorry Jenna is busy right now"
"Val give me the phone" I say. He hands me it and I see he was talking to Witney.
"Are you guys doing it on the couch"
"What no"
"Then why is the light on downstairs at Val's house"
"His parents are downstairs"
"That's risky Jenna"
"We're not having sex were just making out"
"That's dumb" I hear Mark say behind Witney.
"Hit him for me" I say.
"I will" I hear Witney hit him in the background.
"Ow babe that hurt" he said.
"Sorry about him" Witney said.
"What are you doing"
"Well we just finished having sex in a recliner chair, actually pretty comfortable"
"I bet" I say.
"Probably the best time so far"
"Do your parents know that your having sex like everyday"
"No but we'll tell them at some point"
"I bet they already know because they hear you"
"I'm actually not that loud"
"Wit I with you on that camping trip I could hear you from the fire"
"Ok I might be a little loud"
Val starts rubbing my body. He takes his shirt off again slowly. He kisses my neck and gets to my weak spot, he lightly kisses it and nips at it. I try to listen to Witney and not moan in the phone. Val licks my spot and sucks on the skin. I moan into the phone I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"What's Val doing to you"
"Just making out huh"
"Shut up"
"I'll leave you two alone" Witney said hanging up.
"Val your an ass I just moaned into the phone with my best friend on the other end"
"Sorry babe I needed to get back to you" he said. He started kissing my neck again.

Yikes awkward phone calls of best friends. I had to add some esha in there because I haven't done much on them. Thanks for reading. Sadly this is my only update today, I'm going to my friends house for the night and I'll be a little busy.

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