White Werewolf's 101

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Okay so this isn't really a chapter on the story line. This chapter is to explain more about Rose and her white wolf.

White Werewolf

Powers: Healing, masking, mind linking


Rose heals faster than the average werewolf. If a wolf were to bite her leg, she would be up and running 3x faster than the average wolf. She can also help heal werewolf or human. If someone got stabbed Rose could help heal them. She would have to focus in that person healing. She would have to imagine herself healing that person. Then her hands would start glowing with a white light. Then either putting her hands on or over the wound the person would start to heal. The bigger the wound, the more power it takes her, and the weaker she gets.


I guess you could call it like a shield. All she has to do is ask Aria to put up the shield and it mask her real wolf and scent. It turns her scent into Roses and her wolf looks like a midnight black wolf, but both wolves have the same blue eyes. The midnight black wolf also isn't as big as her white wolf. Her midnight black one is as big as a normal she-wolf with alpha blood. This doesn't make her that weaker. It's like a switch it doesn't take a lot of power. But if she did turn off the switch then she would be a little stronger, faster, and have a little better senses.

Mind Linking

If you are family or apart of the same pack you can mind link those people. But Rose can mind link anyone. It's just like mind linking someone in your pack, except since only she has the power only she can talk. She just has to know the person. She can also listen in on other people's mind link conversation. She can basically read they're minds unless they block her out. But since people don't know about her power they don't know to block her out. This takes up no power from her. To her it's like mind linking 2.0.

Abilities: Bigger, stronger, faster, heightened senses


Being a werewolf means that she is bigger than the average wolf. She-wolfs or female wolfs are usually smaller than male wolfs. Having alpha blood in her makes her bigger than the average wolf. Being a white wolf makes her as big if not bigger than the strongest male alpha. If Rose wasn't a white werewolf then she would still be bigger than the average wolf because if the alpha blood, but not as big as a male alpha, considering she's a she-wolf.


It's a fact that werewolf's are stronger than humans. A male werewolf is stronger than a female werewolf. An alpha stronger than the other wolves. Seeing as Rose is an alpha, she is stronger than the other wolves. Usually a male alpha would be stronger than a girl alpha, but since Rose is a white werewolf, Rose would be as strong, and probably stronger.


Werewolf's are fast. So fast, cameras can't catch them. So fast that to humans all they see is a blur. Since she-wolves are smaller they're faster. Almost as fast as an alpha. Rose is already a she-wolf and an alpha, but add her white werewolf?

Heightened Senses

Werewolf's have sharper eye sight and sensitive hearing. They can see and hear better than the average human. Rose has 3x as better sight and hearing. A regular werewolf might be able to hear a bird 1 mile away chirp, but Rose could be able to hear it fart. (Lol just an example)

So that's about it, if you have anymore questions or you don't understand just tell me and I'll explain a little better.

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