Chapter 12 - Sad Song

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Song up top is the song Rose listens to. Also for you people who were like what a stupid reason to fight, they're alphas so they demand respect. And If in going to get the story line going I have to start somewhere.

Okay guys I kinda have writers block and right know the story is really bring so I'm going to do some time skips and the story is going to he really fast, but I will make sure to explain every thing that happened.

I made some changes. From now on when their wolves speak to them it will look like this:

'I love it when she smiles.' My wolf sighed dreamily.

And when the person talks it will look like this:

'I know, she's so beautiful.'

So do not get confused I will be doing this from now on.

Also there will be a lot of POV switching so try to keep up.

James' POV

As soon as I saw her shift and run towards her pack I knew I messed up.

'Way to go human! YOU UPSET MATE!' My wolf snarled at me.

'I know and I'm sorry, but it didn't help that you went all alpha in her!' I snarled back.

He just whimpered and any to the farthest corner I my mind.

Great, now I really am all alone.

But I won't give up. I will get my mate back, even if it's the last thing I do.

Trent's POV

1 week later

It's been one week since Rose came back with no bags, mad as heck, and sad all at the same time.

Now all she does is stay cooped up I her room. She doesn't even let me in. She only comes down for good every couple of days.

I'm really worried about her. I miss that sweet girl that I used to know. Well tough, but sweet in the inside girl I used to know. Like jaw breakers! Seriously though she broke my jaw once.

'Your rambling about her. Again.' My wolf Asher said in a bored tone.

Asher has been pretty down ever since Rose locked her self in her room. I may love her in a romantic way, but Asher loves her like a sister. Our wolves kind of just bonded that way.

I think her mate overreacted a but when she left, but u think she did to. I love her, but I know he makes her happy and that's all I've ever wanted for her since we were three.

I know what I have to do now.

I have to get them back together.


Rose's POV

My favorite part of the day is when I wake up in the morning. It's the one time if day I don't think about James. When I wake up, for that one hundredth of a second that I don't remember the pain of the world. I don't remember the fight with James, I don't remember that my parents are gone and I'll never see them again. For that one second when I wake up and think my day will be perfect. That I'll run down the stairs and see my mom cooking breakfast. To see my dad drinking his morning coffee. To be greeted by the warm eyes and soft kisses of my mate.

Then I remember.

That can never happen.

My parents are dead.

My mate's a jerk.

And I'm all alone

I grudgingly get out of bed, taking my time to get into the shower. As I get in I listen to the sad song I picked, and reflected about my life as the water cascaded down my back.

'Without you
I feel broke,
Like I'm half
of a whole'

Those words pierced heart. It brought up the realization that now I literally am half of a whole


After my shower I moped down the stairs. I smelt the delicious aroma of chocolate chip pancakes. Usually I would be run to the source, but not anymore.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Trent making chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey sweetie, how you  feeling." Trent cooed. He's been trying to cheer me up in anyway possible in the past week. From making me my favorite foods to telling me corny jokes. He knows I love corny jokes and that they always crack me up. But only one person could get me out of this depressed state. And he is all the way back in Silver Moon.

I know I overreacted, but I'm just worried. I'm worried that if I go back to him that I won't be treated as an equal. That I won't have any freedom. That I'll be forever stuck in that house. I'm worried that if we get into another argument that he might hit me. But most of all, I'm worried about him leaving me.

My parents left me and I can't go through another heartbreak. I know it wasn't their fault, but I can't help, but feel lonely. I cannot help, but worry about him leaving me. Because no matter what he's still my mate. And as much as I want to blame it on the bond, I that it isn't. I know that I'm falling hard for James. With or without the bond.

I need him.

And without him, I'm just a sad song.

Unknown POV

You know, I had the best plan ever to break apart James and his little whore, but it seems like it did that perfectly all on his own.

Now all I have to do is wait

Soon he will be mine.

First I just got to kill his b¡tch of a mate.

YAY! UPDATE! I've decided to start doing contest each chapter to hopefully get some comments. DON'T BE A SILENT READER! The contest will be random, like riddles and song lyrics, stuff like that. The person(s) that answer it correctly will be given a shout out and if you have a book I will read one and/or make a cover for one.


Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love, and hold her tight

Okay that's all you get! If I say anymore it'll give it way!


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