Chapter 31

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I felt the heat from the morning sun seep through my window and straight onto my body. Scooting away from the sun I bumped into an unexpected body, startling me from my sleep.
"What the hell?" The voice complained groggily.
I shot open my eyes and examined the familiar chestnut brown hair that was draped in front of me.
"I'm sorry, I was moving away from the window."
Taylor only chuckled at me and turned over. Her arm draped around my neck as she kissed my head softly.

"I'm sorry." My apology slipped from my mouth from the incident before. She knew what I meant.. It wasn't hard to figure out..
"I'm gonna stop getting so mad and talk things out Taylor, I promise."
Her emerald eyes only studied mine before she sighed.
"You always say that Jessie."
"But, Taylor.." My eyes fell to my feet as I tried to fight the tears that we're threatening to spill from my eyes.
"No Jessie, we're always going through this. All I do is fight for you, I'm tired of fighting for you." Her time became acid filled as she became annoyed with me. "I sit here and worry all night when you get mad and lash at me, you just disappear and I can't get ahold of you. I don't deserve that."

She crawled over my tired body as she collected her clothes.
"Where you going?" My eyes began to sting as I attempted to keep myself from crying, I watched as she began stuffing articles of clothing into a bag.

"I just want time Jessie."
I stood up as I tried to walk over to her but she just pushed her hand out to me.
"Time away from you, Jessie." Her voice was stern and blunt, which hurt worse.
My eyes wondered away from hers as I tried to keep my composer.
"Ok" I answered under my breath.
She turned on her heels and walked out my bedroom door, her flowing brown hair the last thing I could catch a glimpse of.


3 weeks later:

I haven't eaten well, slept well, or even managed through my job well. I've texted her multiple times, but she's gone. She's been distant ever since she left, all I can do is cry as my heart screams out for the love we shared.
"You look like total shit Jessie." Jeremy's voice was soft as his hand was placed lightly on my shoulder.
"When will you fix things?" Bailey chimed quietly.
"I've tried, there's nothing I can do. She wants her space from me." I looked down at the plate of eggs I continued to push around with my fork.
"Take a bite Jessie, please?" Jeremy's soft eyes pleaded but I couldn't.
"I'm not hungry."
"Don't do this to yourself.."
"Do what? I'm fine, get off my bak over it. "
I shot my glare up at Jeremy who's managed to annoy the piss out of me within a 5 minute conversation.

"Don't snap at me Jess."
"Just back off."
"All you do is mope around, and I'm sure that's what she is doing too."
"Well we wouldn't know that now would we? Quit assuming and get off my back." I stood from my seat and headed my way out the house. Turning my engine over quietly I sped away from Jeremy, Bailey, and my own thoughts.

She was my world, my one and only, never have I ever fallen so hard for a girl; and she crushed my heart. I could feel the heat cascade down my face as I began to sob. I've tried to be everything she ever wanted me to be and I still couldn't do that right. I was worthless, she wants nothing to do with me and that's ok. I'm worthless, easily replaced, and I'll have to live with that. I'm not worth the struggle I put people through, I never have been..

I came around the corner quickly and bolted for the intersection, and I noticed too late that the light was red.

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