Chapter 12

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I cut the the soaked pancake with the edge of my fork and pushed the utensil into the piece of pancake and shoved it into my mouth. Chewing quickly I repeated the process over again.
"Damn Jessie when's the last time you ate?" Bailey abruptly pulled me from my food binge.
"Uhh, since we left the beach." I replied stuffing another bite into my mouth. Jeremy laughed at her expression and stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth. Taylor's sweet blue eyes looked over at me and held my gaze for a bit. I flashed her a small sweet smile as I continued my food.
"So how'd you get that black eye?" Jeremy finally questioned me, which caused me to look over at Taylor for help.

"You two have gotten close this week." Jeremy eyed the both of us sitting next to each other on the other side of the table.
"So?" Taylor replied daringly to Jeremy's statement.
"So, I'm just curious on why you ran off after Amy and Jessie kissed, and now for some reason she has a black eye that appeared the next morning!" Jeremy pushed the subject further. This would NOT end well.
"Jeremy just shut up." I glared at him wanting him to jump the subject immediately.
"No. Are y'all dating or something?." Jeremy became slightly agitated as he continued.
"Babe stop." Bailey placed her hand on his attempting to calm him down.
"She's not gonna use and hurt my sister like she does all the other girls!" His face tightened in anger.
"Look what she's already done to her!"

Those words rang through my ears like bells. All the other girls. All the other girls? What'd she do to all the other girls.?

Looking over at Taylor I pleaded for an answer with my eyes. Her soft eyes turned to daggers shooting into Jeremy a million times.
"You're not gonna use my sister just for sex." Jeremy stated bluntly to her.
"But you'll try to get your sister laid by a slut from Hooters?" Taylor's voice was calm, but everything else stated other wise.
"She had no attachments to her." Jeremy popped out. Bailey and I both shared glances. Both of us were too terrified to say anything in fear it would ignite the explosives sitting next to us.

Taylor held her fork so tightly her knuckles were white. Her jaw was clenched and her face began to redden. Across from her was Jeremy. His jaw held shut and his lips thin, it was like witnessing a telepathic argument between the two.
"You'll do nothing but break her heart and I'm not gonna sit by and watch it unfold." With Jeremy's final statement he paid the bill for our food and got up and left. Turning over to Taylor I touched her arm.
"Don't listen to him he-"
"Don't! Just don't talk to me." Taylor stood up and stormed out the door.

Bailey and I sat there for a moment in silence.
"I'm gonna go talk to them." She stood up and walked out the door to meet the rest in the truck. I sat there for a few minutes though. Witnessing the events in front of me left me shell shocked.

"Can I help you with anything?" Looking up at the voice stood a tall lanky boy with long dirty blonde curls that hung in his deep brown eyes. Looking at his name tag I noticed the engraved name 'Gabe'.
"Oh no. I was just leaving." Standing up I walked passed him and pushed out the door. Glancing over at the new GMC I rolled my eyes with annoyance and walked the other way to go for a walk.
My phone buzzed in my pocket again. Pulling it out I read 2 messages one from Jeremy and one from Taylor.

Call us and get your ass home NOW.

You're not my dad Jeremy back off.

I ignored his text and opened Taylor's.

Jess I'm so sorry please just call me I'm worried

I pushed my phone in my pocket and continued to walk down a street I wasn't familiar with. My head ran with thoughts of the events this morning. Was Taylor just playing me for sex? What was with Jeremy's sudden objection to our friendship?

It's not just a friendship there's feelings.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I touched my face. I had feelings for Taylor, and the thought that she was using my for sex ached my heart beyond belief. Sitting down on the side walk I held my head in my hands a weeped. Grabbing my phone from my pocket I dialed a number familiar to me.

"Jessie!?" The voice answered my call happily.
"Please- please just come get me." I attempted to hold in my sobs.
"Are you ok? Are you crying? Jess?" The questions over loaded me and caused me to cry more.
"I'm on some road by this church Burning Bush or something. Please just come get me."
"I'm on my way stay there."

YAYYYY! Two updates in one week! I've had absolutely nothing to do today so I figured I'd just write another chapter. WOOT! I hope y'all enjoy though. :)

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