Chapter 17

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Jessie's POV

I sat in the drive way as I watched Taylor's tail lights fade off into the distance. I couldn't help but feel fear overwhelm my senses. Shes intoxicated, upset, and attempting to driving. Sighing slightly I sat in the driveway hoping I'd see her headlights pull back up. I wanted nothing more to desperately hug her and apologize for everything.
"Jess?" I looked up to Jeremy's tall figure crouch down in attempt to meet my eyes. Looking away I looked back to the road.
"Where'd Taylor go?" His voice was soft and I knew he was concerned.

Looking down at my feet, I didn't bother to reply to him. It was obvious she was gone. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he gave me a sideways hug.
"It's gonna be ok." With that he kisses my forehead and walked back inside. I still remained there, waiting because part of me hoped that she'd come back and this would all be over.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I touched my face.
Please make it home safe.
I laid my head back and looked up at the night sky. Sighing I ran my hand through my jet black hair.

Making my way inside I heard Jeremy on the phone.
"Taylor!?" I watched as he slammed his phone down and curse in anger. "Fuck!"
Looking at him puzzled I waited for him to explain.
"She hung up on me.." Sighing he walked from the kitchen to his bedroom and slammed his door.

Why did I have to pick a fight with her? Why couldn't I just tell her I've missed her like crazy? Tell her how nuts I've been without her to rudely wake me up early in the morning.
I missed that.
I missed waking up to her pouting for me to hang out with her. I missed the way her blue eyes looked at me everyday.

Making my way to the couch I buried my head in my arms and sobbed. I sobbed the hardest I had since me and Taylor began fighting. Feeling comforting arms wrap around me I looked up to see Bailey pulling me into her.
"I needa talk to her. I gotta tell her." My fist balled against her chest as I released my sorrows against her.
"Shhh." She soothed me gently running her fingers through my hair. "I know sweetie. I know." Her soft voice calmed me. I didn't even realize how tired I was until I began drifting off against Bailey.


I held Taylor against my body as we laid outside gazing up at the night sky.
"I'm glad we could work everything out." She almost mumbled against my arm. I couldn't help but smile with this comment. Being without her was complete agony and caused my heart to ache.
"I am too babe." I said softly as I gently kissed her cheek. A small blush creeped onto her cheeks and I couldn't help but admire her.
This moment was complete bliss.

Moving my hand to her waist I pulled her closer to me.
"I never want to forget this moment." I stated as I took in her brown hair.
"Jessie?" Her voice sounded startled and I couldn't help but become worried.
"Jessie! Jessie you gotta wake up!" I looked at her confused.
"What I'm-"
Suddenly I shot off the couch to find Bailey and Jeremy standing over me.

"What?" I looked around confused unaware yet that it was just a dream.
"We gotta go." Jeremy stated before walking to grab some things.
"What? Why?" I looked at Bailey who couldn't make eye contact me.
"Jay? What's happening?" Everything in my body told me something was wrong. I couldn't accept it yet though. I couldn't accept that something bad happened.
"Jessie..." Jeremy crouched down in front me. His face was distraught. His hair went in every direction.
Something bad happened.
"Taylor.. Well Jessie she got in a wreck. Her dad called me, he's there with her now. She wasn't stable when she came in but now they have her in a room."

The words shot at me like daggers, piercing separate areas throughout my heart. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even fork words. A huge lump placed itself in my throat and wasn't budging for anything. Launching up from the couch I grabbed Jeremy's keys.
"We have to leave now." Looking back at him I rushed out the door. Hopping into his truck I started the engine ready to leave with or without him.
"Wait Jessie." Looking up at Jeremy I saw him jump in the passenger seat and Bailey hop into the back.
"Alright let's go."

Pealing out of the driveway I sped my way to the hospital. I could tell my driving was making everyone nervous but my mind wasn't clear. All I could thing about was loosing Taylor. How bad of a condition was she in?
Oh god. She was driving. Drunk.
I felt tears ride up to my eyes as we made it to the hospital. Taking the first parking space I sat there.
"Are you coming?" Jeremy looked over at me. Just then I broke. I couldn't handle the thought of Taylor being hurt. I couldn't take the thought of it being my fault.

I shook my head at Jeremy. I couldn't handle walking in there like this just yet. I was a complete wreck, I had no idea the shape Taylor was going to be in and I couldn't handle it.
"I'll have Jeremy text you when we get in there ok?" Baileys hand found mine and she gave a reassuring squeeze to it. Shaking my head I laid my head against the steering wheel as they made their way in.

Suddenly I was awoken from my sleep from a ring in the truck.
When did I even fall asleep? Searching for my phone I saw it was a text from Jeremy. My heart began to race and I felt my hands begin to sweat. Opening the text I sighed in relief.

She's awake now. Come up.

Exiting from the truck I made my way into the hospital and found a nurse.
"Hey can you tell me what room Taylor Allen is in please?" Leaning against the counter I watched as the elderly blonde typed in her keyboard.
"Yea sweetie she's in room 203." Giving me a bright smile I turned and made my way to her room.

I approached the door and stood their nervously. I was completely terrified. I starred at the door in horror as I attempted to work up the nerve to open the door and see her. Before I could turn away the door opened suddenly and I was face-to-face with a tall built man with brown hair and blue eyes. Waiting nervously he pulled me into a hug.
"Jessi!! It's so great to see you again." Pulling back he examined me once more and he pulled me into the room. "You've gotten so big Jess." Patting my back he pushed me closer to Taylor's bed.

I stood at the foot of her bed and took in her appearance. The left side of her head had a patch which I assumed was for stitches. The left side of her face was bruised up and I couldn't help but want to cry.
Taylor looked rough and all I wanted to do was hold her. Her left arm was in a sling. Diverting my eyes I couldn't bare the sight of her anymore.
"How you feelin?" I asked quietly. Her face softened up and I watched as a small smirk rise on her face.

"I feel fine compared to the other guy." She chuckled softly which helped lighten the mood.
I'm glad she's ok.

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