Chapter 24

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I took in deep heavy breaths as I examined myself in the mirror. Taking in my image I gulped down a bottle of cool water.
"Ahh." I sighed in satisfaction.
I managed to finish my shift around 8 and I got in a nice work out until 10.
"Come on Jessie it's time to close down." My boss called out to me warmly. Turning I realized I was the only person in the gym. Picking up my bag I slowly worked my way to my truck still in my sports bra and gym shorts. Throwing my bag into the bed of my truck I groaned as my body made me completely aware of how hard I worked. Jumping into my truck I pulled my phone out and dialed Taylor.

"Hey babe." Her voice called out to me cheerfully.
"Hey. I'm on my way home, wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Pulling out of the parking lot I listened as Taylor 'contemplated' wether to go out or not tonight.
"I guess." She let out a dreaded sigh as if I was breaking her leg to come with me. Scoffing at her I smiled.
"Well when I get home I'm getting a shower."
"Ok see you soon."

Hanging up the phone I made my way to the house. I smiled slightly excited to go out with her tonight. For some reason I couldn't wait to here how her day went at college. I'm sure after a while I'd have to listen to her bitch about classes so I better enjoy when classes for her right now wasn't tormenting her.

Pulling into the driveway I slung my door open and leaned over the bed of my truck to grab my bag. Running up to my room I was greeted by a surprise Taylor.
"Wow." Her blue eyes traveled my body up and down a million times over. Honestly I enjoyed the attention from her. Shutting the door, I quickly closed the gap between us and kisses her passionately.
"Mmm" she mumbled into the kiss. Easily submitting into me, her body was quickly tangled into mine.

Pushing her back onto the bed, she laid on her back as I crawled on top of her. Her fingers worked it's way down my bare back, softly scratching down my skin causing my body to form goosebumps. Bitting onto her lip she moan loudly causing me to grin.
Groaning and looking down in defeat I knew automatically what was about to be said.

Honestly you'd believe Taylor was the virgin and scared to have sex and I was the experienced one, but no. It's the complete opposite. Except I wasn't scared to make my body vulnerable to her. I was more then ready and my body definitely expressed it.

Pushing myself off of her I set up and ran my finger through my hair pushing it off my face.
"I'm going to get in the shower."
"Ok." Kissing my cheek I smiled lightly and made my way to the shower.

At least the shower won't tease me.


"Y'all still aren't having sex!" Ace blurted out loudly as we left the gym.
"Shut up." I groaned miserably as I threw my bag over my shoulder.
"You can't be upset about not doing the deed when you can't even tell her that you love her." I cringed at the word love. Saying I love you was something important that everyone emphasized on, but not us. We haven't even held a conversation about it. Did I actually love her? What were we? I mean we called each other pet names, basically lived together, and went our with each other all the time. We just never classified it.

Feeling my back pocket vibrate I pulled out my phone and noticed Taylor's face appear on my screen.
"Yea?" I didn't bother to say hello, she never called to hold a conversation.
"Are you picking me up tonight, or will it be Jeremy?" Looking over at Ace I waved him off letting him know I had to go.
"I'm on my way to get you now." Jumping into my driver seat I started up my truck.
Hanging up on her I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way to her.

Turning up the radio I attempted to drown out the thoughts of what Ace ignited minutes before. I couldn't help but wonder why this has never come up between us. Before I even released I was sitting in the parking lot outside waiting for Taylor. I pulled my phone out to tell her I was here but my attention was diverted to two figures walking towards me. I examined them closely until I was aware of who was walking this direction.

Even though it was warm outside she was in pants that complicated her legs nicely. Examining the person who was with her I became confused on who it was. She had a tall lanky girl with long blonde hair. Mage had absolutely no curves whatsoever.

Why am I down grading this girl? I don't even know her.

Then almost immediately, I knew why. The blonde bitch leaned forward and kissed Taylor on the cheek. Taylor did nothing, just smiled happily and made her way to the truck.

Opening the passenger door she jumped in happily.
"Hey babe." She chimed happily as she kissed my cheek. Starting up my truck I peeled from the parking lot, hotter then logs in a fire place.

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