Chapter 2

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I'd be the first to say that I have slight feelings for Taylor. How could I not? She's tall, tan, and beautiful. There was more to her then that though. She was smart, kindhearted, funny, and she even played sports. That was everything I absolutely loved in a girl. There was a problem though, she was my brothers best friend, and he would freak out if me and her ever got together.

The rest of the week had gone by pretty normally. Friday night was the start of the awkward tension between us again though. Jeremy was leaving out tonight to go to some big party. A 'giant blow out before the spring break blow out' he said. I didn't like anyone that'd be there so I just decided I'd stay home and drink by myself and watch shows on Netflix.

Grabbing a small bottle of alcohol I sat in my room and watched Orange is the New Black. I had just finished the first episode when I heard a knock on my door. Looking up I saw a beautiful figure standing in my doorway.
"Jeremy told me you'd be here." she said quietly. Her blue eyes looked at me and down at the bottle sitting in my lap.
"Yea. I'm just watching Netflix." I awkwardly looked away from her and at my T.V.
"Mind if I join you?" Her voice sounded shaky as if I would mind her staying here with me. Nodding my head I watched as she scooted over towards me and joined me on my bed.

As I took a few swigs from my bottle I looked over at her and awkwardly offered her some. We sat there watching the show together. After a few drinks we quit paying attention to the show and started goofing off.
We started out with a few innocent questions like 'what's your favorite color?' Then they became more personal.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?" she asked confidently. Her question caught me off guard and caused me to blush. I've never kissed a girl, but the thought of kissing one flustered me.

"No." I replied embarrassed.
"Have you ever wanted to?" she pressed on. She was no way as embarrassed about this conversation as I was. Sober I would never admit that I've wanted to, but the small amount of alcohol in my system gave me enough confidence to answer.

"Yeah" I replied bluntly "I think a lot bout it." that statement poured out of me like word vomit. Looking away shyly I didn't wanna see her reaction. Even though she was gay herself, I still didn't want her to judge me. I still hadn't looked up at her for fear of her reaction, but her reaction wasn't bad at all though, by no means.

Before I had time to react she sitting on my lap and my back was pressed against the wall. Tilting my head up she looked me in the eyes. Her fingers found the nape of my neck. Her fingers ignited butterflies throughout my stomach. My heart pounded against my rib cage screaming for the gap between us to be closed. Her blue eyes starred into mine, as if she was reading my every thought through my eyes.

Her face hovered my own, keeping her lips slightly above mine. I was waiting for her to move away from me and start laughing at my facial expression at any moment but that didn't happen. Her face slowly sank closer to mine, now only a paper thin line was keeping our lips from connecting. I couldn't take it anymore, the anticipation killed me.

My hands moved to her back and I pushed her into me colliding our lips together. It began slow and sweet but quickly heated up. Our lips mashed together passionately. Our breath leaving us as we continued our kiss.

Her body was pressed tightly against mine, keeping my back firmly against the wall. My hands found her hips as her fingers tangled into my hair. Her tongue glided against my bottom lip, asking for permission. Opening my mouth we fought for dominance. She tasted like strawberries and whiskey, but I didn't mind at all. I was completely lost in our kiss.

I don't know where it came from but is placed her bottom lip between my teeth and bit softly, pulling and sucking on her lip slightly. This earned me a muffled moan in my mouth. I've never heard someone moan before, but it sent my stomach into flips and turns. I loved the way it sounded, and I wanted nothing more then to hear it again and again. Just then she stopped.

What? No. Don't stop.

She crawled off the top of me and I just sat there looking like a deer in headlights. Was that it? She's done? Why?

Did I do something wrong?

I felt my cheeks heat up and all I could do was sit there breathlessly. I ran my fingers through my hair and sat there silently. My chest heaved up and down quickly as I looked for something to say.


Please tell me that'll happen again.

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