Chapter 1

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The Saturday morning sun peeped through the shades of my window. It didn't keep me from trying to sleep though. I smothered my face with the pillow and managed to be half asleep when my door cracked open.

"Come on" I heard a deep voice whisper. Whoever decided to enter my room had a companion, and whatever they were doing was going to be unfortunate for them.

"She's gonna kill me." I heard the voice of the companion reply to the request. I attempted to ignore the rude environment of my room, and continue to sleep. I really didn't want to deal with whatever was about to happen.

"She'll be just a lil cranky it'll be fine." I recognized the voice. It was my older brother Jeremy, encouraging someone to mess with me. Before I could lift my head to growl at them to leave my room I was pounced on.

"Good morning beautiful!" The voice of my assailant screamed to me. I peered up to see beautiful blue eyes to be focusing on mine. Her smile was bright and cheerful, way too peppy for me at this time of the day.

Fuck me.

"Could you not?" I snapped out. My head ached for sleep that it wasn't receiving. Honestly I could handle just about anything, except for getting woken up. I loved my sleep more then life itself, and getting woken up was like taking a puppy from a little kid.

"But Jessie!!" She groaned out at me. Her head laid against my shoulder pressing me to wake up.

"Taylor. No." I growled out at her. I hated mornings, and she knew that. Why mess with me so early in the damn morning? Slinging the pillow from my head I watched as my brother left my room leaving me with Taylor. Mentally I was beating the hell out of him with my pillow.

Taylor was my brother, Jeremy, best friend. They originally started out 'dating' but after a while she came out to him and they've been best friends ever since. Here lately Taylor and I have become close because Jeremy is in a 'serious' relationship and she doesn't want to be a third wheel, which I understand completely.

"Jessie please!?" Taylor pleaded out loud. "Bailey is on her way and I don't wanna be in there for the make out session!" She said this more quietly because she didn't want Jeremy to hear and end up upsetting him. I couldn't stand when she whined like this to me though, whenever she did this something inside me made me feel guilty for even thinking on telling her no. Letting out a large growl I rolled my eyes and caved in.

"Fine, but I'm gonna sleep and you better not wake me up!" I laid my one rule down to her. She smiled a big toothy smile and crawled under the blanket with me.

"I guess I can sleep then too" her smile faded as she laid her head against the small pillow we shared. Before I knew it my eyes were shut and I was drifting off to sleep.


The cold air of my room hung onto my body like spandex. Opening my eyes Taylor's brown hair laid under my chin, sometime during our rest, she curled up to me. Her light arms were wrapped around my waist as her head nuzzled itself in the crook of my neck. I was honestly comfortable this way, I didn't even want to get up but I knew I had to.

Stretching out I slipped out of bed careful not to wake her. Glancing at her I couldn't help but realize how adorable she looked asleep. Her toned body laid out on my bed, her soft pink lips pulled into a small smile. Her arms curled up to her body attempting the gain the warmth it once had with my presence there. I couldn't help but smile at the way she slept, she even managed to make sleeping look cute. Pulling the blanket up under her chin, I watched as her body seemed to relax.

I walked silently into the bathroom to wash my face. My long black curly hair was standing up all over the place. Running a brush quickly through my bed head I threw it into a pony tail in order to tame it. My green eyes shined brightly like emeralds. My eyes were the only feature I liked about myself. Once I bent over to run water over my face I felt soft hands start on my back and slowly moving towards my stomach. The sensation it gave me made me weak in the knees and I could hardly stand up.

Who the hell was this!?

"You're so warm." her sleepy voice sang out to me. Smirking I turned around and wrapped my arms around her tender body.
"It's cause I'm so warm hearted." I joked with her.
"Mmm" was the only response I received from her. As I went to let go her cool lips connected with my neck causing a slight gasp to escape from my mouth. I didn't realize I dug my nails into her back until she pulled away. She was staring into my eyes, her beautiful blue eyes were perfect even when they were full of sleep.

At this moment I wanted to do nothing more then to close the space between us. To connect my sleep with her soft pink ones and show her how much desire my body held for her. Looking away shyly not wanting to make eye contact with her for fear she could read my wishes through my eyes. Running my palms against my shorts I realized how nervous I was and couldn't figure out how to fix it.

Oh god. What is she doing to me?

Standing there awkwardly I finally broke the silence.
"Uh. You wanna come uh- make some breakfast with me or something?" Staggering through my sentence I knew how stupid I sounded. Pushing myself past her I looked back at her again before I left the bathroom.
"I can cook some really good eggs."

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