|NewYork City|

15 1 0

Everyone came into our room and it felt like a herd of people coming in at once.

"Sit wherever ya'll please" Nick says

I'm laying on the bed waiting for everyone to come in when Chris jumps right next to me. He's so... cute.

"Your bed is 10x more comfortable then main what the hell" he giggles
"Chris this is a hotel we have the same beds" I chuckle a little at nicks remark

I see Nai and Matt sitting together at the edge of the bed me and Chris are on.

"Watch this" he whispers

He tickles Matt with his foot and Matt flinches closer to Niola. I can see her face turning red and I start to laugh quietly with Chris. Me and Chris get up to look at everyone in the room. Sadly there's more people here than just us.

"Okay everyone pick out of this elf hat and don't show the person next to you"
Everyone picks out the hat and everyone seems to like who they got. At least I think.

"Hey show me who you got I won't taddle" I tease Chris
"Nope not gonna say it's a suprise"
"Then your gonna know" he chuckled
"Don't worry it'll be a good gift for this person"he teased

Chris pov

"You all have until we get back to the hotel to get your gifts. That means you have till right now which is 3pm till l like 1:30am got it?" Nick says

We all shake are heads yes and everyone exits the room except me and Matt who just decided to hang around.

"What are yall still doing here?" Nick says with attitude
"Okay rude, we wanna know if we could shop together" Matt says
"As long as you guys don't have each other I don't see the problem there"
"Ok we're out your hair now. Bye princess bye Nai, bye Finn" I says leaving the room with Matt
"VERY FUNNY CHRISTOPHER" Nick yells loud enough for us to hear
"Princess?!" Matt turns to look at me
"No no there a backstory I promise!" I say quickly
"Yeah okay we can pretend you mean it in just a joke sure" he starts to laugh

I got Belle as my secret Santa and I already knew what I wanted to get for her. Matt was still conflicted on what he wanted to get for his beautiful star struck wife so walking around everywhere could help. We stop by Pandora and I look at all the necklaces there. She likes silver and she barely wears gold with her outfits anyways.

"Here are some silver ones currently out right now" the lady says
"Yall have any with more dimonds, I'm trying to get it for-"
"Is it someone you like?" She cuts me off
"Uhm yeah it is"
"Wait here"

She goes to the back for something but I don't really know what. At the corner of my eye I see Matt looking at- WTF IS HE LOOKING AT. Before I could even think straight she comes back out.

"I hope this girl is very special to you this is the last one in stalk right now"
It was perfect. It was a necklace with an infinity sign around a heart and it reminded me of her but I couldn't tell you why. Belle was so perfect that she deserves something this beautiful on her.

"I'll take it"
"Wow you didn't even have to think"
"I know it'll be perfect on her"

She checks me out while still talking
"So is she your girlfriend?"
"Not yet"
Her face looked shocked
"Well aren't you a positive one"
"Of course I am I don't have a reason not to be"
"Well if you like her that much don't hold it in for to long you might end up regretting it"
She passes me the bag and smiles
"Thank you Mrs. ?"
"Mrs. Rame, I look forward to seeing how your relationship goes!"

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